April 2 2024

 0    17 fiche    zuzaschutzmann
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to grupa krajów
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its a group of countries
Unia Europejska
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european union
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masz gwarancję
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you have a guarantee
w porównaniu
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w odniesieniu do
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in regards to
muszą produkować więcej
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they have to produce more
wzrosła o 5set
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it grew by 5 hundred
to uroslo piecioktotnie
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it has grown fivefold
możesz sprzedać dział
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you can sell the departement
są od siebie zależni
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they are dependent on each other
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dla nich to było ważne
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for them is was important
hiszpańskie jedzenie
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spanish food
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they told us about a polish woman
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they told us about a Polish woman
własność, mienie
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