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quedarse boquiarierto
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be speechless
Ana quedo boquiabierta el ver el regalo
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Ana was speechless when she saw the gift.
volar la cabeza
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blow your head
esa pelicula me volo la cabeza
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that movie blew my mind
por todos lados
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estaba lloviendo y cuando llegue a case baina agua por todos lados
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It was raining and when I got home there was water everywhere.
tomarse un descanso
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take a break
estar a reventar
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be bursting
en diciembre las tiendas estan a revantar
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In December the stores are bursting at the seams
apañarse / arrglarseas
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to manage
no se como te las apañas para tener un trabajo y griar a tres hijos sola
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I don't know how you manage to have a job and raise three children alone.
No sé cómo mi abuela se apañó para criar a diez hijos.
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I don't know how my grandmother managed to raise ten children.
Me apaño viviendo en un piso pequeño
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I get by living in a small apartment

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