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¡No necesito leer tus términos y condiciones para aceptarte! commencer à apprendre
I do not need to read your terms of service to accept you!
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Can I get your phone number?
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¿Qué vas a hacer el próximo fin de semana? commencer à apprendre
What are you going to do next weekend?
¿Te dolió cuando te caiste del cielo? commencer à apprendre
Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
A beber y a tragar, que el mundo sa va a acabar! commencer à apprendre
Heres to drinking and swallowing, for the world is going to be finished
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a menudo estoy confundido commencer à apprendre
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Ademas de cerveza, no tenemos mas nada para beber commencer à apprendre
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Algo es algo, menos es nada commencer à apprendre
Algun dia lo voy a olvidar commencer à apprendre
someday im going to forget
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as a consequence/as a result
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Barriga llena, corazon contento commencer à apprendre
stomach full, heart content
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enough / quite a lot / quite (adj)
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Too mean to die; ill weeds grow apace; bad creature never dies!
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how it will be/how he will be
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Consejos vendo y para mi no tengo commencer à apprendre
advice given but not taken
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which is the minimum duraction
Cuando Dios inventó la belleza se inspiró en ti. commencer à apprendre
When God invented beauty He was inspired by you.
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to hit the nail on the haid
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Queda mucho trabajo todavía por hacer, así que no me dejes plantado como la vez pasada. commencer à apprendre
Se suponía que Jimmy estuviera allí con el carro para que nos escapáramos, pero nos dejó botados.
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despotrico, as, a, amos, ais, can commencer à apprendre
destrozo, as, a, amos, ais, an commencer à apprendre
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Devise al gato entre la multitud commencer à apprendre
Donde fuego se hace, humo sale commencer à apprendre
Where there's fire there's smoke
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El amor es ciego, pero los vecinos no commencer à apprendre
love is blind, the neighbors aren't
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with love all is possible
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El arte no va a morir nunca commencer à apprendre
Art is never going to die
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literally ‘a big bottle,’ pregame in plaza
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El compro un reloj muy caro commencer à apprendre
He bought a very expensive watch
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“the one of shame” the last piece of foo
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El dibujo resulto mejorado por la lluvia. commencer à apprendre
The painting was improved by the rain
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El enemigo acérrimo de Marta commencer à apprendre
El enjambre de gente nos asfixiará commencer à apprendre
The swarm of people will suffocate us
El es un peligro a si miso commencer à apprendre
He is a threat to himself
Él está haciendo muchas preguntas commencer à apprendre
He is asking many questions
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El gato es tan perezoso como el perro commencer à apprendre
The cat is lazier than the dog
el gilipollas (hilly-pohyas) commencer à apprendre
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El habito no hace al monje commencer à apprendre
Clothes don’t make the man
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El que no apoya, no folla commencer à apprendre
He who doesn't toast, doesn't fuck
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Ella no quiere quedarse aqui commencer à apprendre
She doesn’t want to stay here
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ellos no van a querer nada commencer à apprendre
they aren't going to want anything
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En la selva oscura hay muchos peligros commencer à apprendre
there are many perils in the dark jungle
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me anamoro, te enamoras, se enamora, nos enamoramos, os enamorais commencer à apprendre
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youre the love of my life
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Es emocionante abrir muchos regalos commencer à apprendre
It's exciting to open a lot of gifts
Es la ultima semana de precios baratos commencer à apprendre
It’s the last week of cheap prices
Es un tiempo para la grandeza commencer à apprendre
It is a time for greatness
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eso no significa nada para mí commencer à apprendre
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Esta oracion es muy graciosa commencer à apprendre
this sentence is very funny
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Estoy comiendo mi sandwich favorito commencer à apprendre
They are eating my favorite sandwich
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estoy usando el boligrafo commencer à apprendre
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fresh as a head of lettuce. Cool as a cucumber
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vete a la mierda / que te den po cielo?
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La situación estaba fuera de control. commencer à apprendre
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Hay demonios en mi refrigerador. commencer à apprendre
there are demons in my fridge?
Hay mucha gente probre en el mundo commencer à apprendre
There are a lot of poor people in the world
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unknown, unidentified suspect
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La casa fue destruida por un huracan commencer à apprendre
The house was destroyed by hurricane
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the disaster / massacre, catastrophe
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La peste bubónica diezmó a gran parte de la población. commencer à apprendre
The bubonic plague decimated a large part of the population.
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‘the undercurrent,’ or HANGOVER
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Los aplastaremos como errores commencer à apprendre
We will crush them like bugs
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the charges (both pay and court charges)
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Mas puede la pluma que la espada commencer à apprendre
The pen is mightier than the sword
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mas_____ que ____ (mas grande que tu) commencer à apprendre
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Me das tu numero de telefono? commencer à apprendre
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Me estas metiendo miedo con el fin del mundo, vamos a llegar a la primavera commencer à apprendre
You're getting me scared with the end of the world, we'll get to spring
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Can you give me an example?
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El niñito metió un cuchillo en la tostadora y se sorprendió con lo que pasó. commencer à apprendre
to stick in, to fit, to put
me meto, te metes, se mete, emos, eis, en commencer à apprendre
to go in, to get into/involved
Mi amigo tuvo un accidente commencer à apprendre
My friend had an accident
Mi perro quiere usar mi portatil commencer à apprendre
my dog wants to use my laptop
Mi plan es disfruto mucho commencer à apprendre
My plan is to enjoy myself a lot
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minimizo, minimizas, minimiza commencer à apprendre
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Mucho ruido y pocas nueces commencer à apprendre
Nadie necesita ir al supermercado commencer à apprendre
Nobody needs to go to the supermarket
Necesito encontrar papel para escribir tu direccion commencer à apprendre
I need to find paper to write your address
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No estoy borracho, sólo intoxicado por ti. commencer à apprendre
I am not drunk, just intoxicated by you.
No hay que ahogarse en un vaso de agua commencer à apprendre
It isnt necessary to drown oneself in a glass of water
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no rose is without thorns
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No puedo responder esa pregunta ahora commencer à apprendre
I cant answer that question now
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no quiero juntarme con "la plebe" commencer à apprendre
i dont want to socialize with plebes
No se puede servir a dios y al diablo commencer à apprendre
No man can serve two masters
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No tienes que preocuparte commencer à apprendre
Nos encontramos en la playa al amanecer. commencer à apprendre
We met/meet? on the beach at dawn.
Nosotros recordamos muchos dias felices commencer à apprendre
we remember many happy days
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Ojalá fuera bizco para verte dos veces. commencer à apprendre
I wish I were cross-eyed so I could see you twice.
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Ouedes responder esa pregunta commencer à apprendre
can you answer that question?
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to seem/to look/to look like
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Permitame invitarle a una copa commencer à apprendre
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Perro que ladra no muerde commencer à apprendre
The barking dog does not bite
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Por que no eliges una pelicula graciosa commencer à apprendre
why don’t you choose a funny movie?
por que no quieres tomar el metro commencer à apprendre
Why don’t you want to take the metro?
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probe, probaste, probo, probamos
produzco, pruces, produce, producimos, producis, producen commencer à apprendre
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Qué día es el partido de fútbol? commencer à apprendre
Which day is the soccer game?
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what the fuck are you saying?
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What did you do last night
Qué lindo gato. él es el hijo de Dios commencer à apprendre
What a pretty cat. He is the son of god.
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Que significa “entender”? – commencer à apprendre
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Que vas a hacer esta noche? commencer à apprendre
What are you doing tonight?
Quemo, quemas, quema, quemamos, quemais, queman commencer à apprendre
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Todos los libros de la biblioteca se quemaron en el incendio.
Queremos encontrarnos con Sara commencer à apprendre
We want to meet up with Sara
Queridos amigos, que quieren hacer ustedes hoy? commencer à apprendre
Dear friends, what do you want to do today?
Quienes son esas personas? commencer à apprendre
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Quieres tomar un descanso ahora? commencer à apprendre
Want to take a break now?
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Recuerda a José Buenaventura Durruti Dumange commencer à apprendre
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represento, representas, representa, representamos, representais, representan commencer à apprendre
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ended up, turn out to be, to work out, found that, resulted in
retribuyo, yes, ye, uimos, uis, yen commencer à apprendre
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Se abre la tierra y nos traga a todos, ea, todos pa'dentro commencer à apprendre
It opens the Earth and swallows us all, ay, everything inside it
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obstinate, endless (persistent)
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Si cuela, cuela y si no, me la pele - commencer à apprendre
if it happens great, if not i dont give a fuck
Si ser sexy fuese un delito, te pasarías la vida en la cárcel. commencer à apprendre
If being sexy were a crime, you'd spend your life in jail.
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Soldado avisado no muere en guerra commencer à apprendre
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Hoy no estaba nublado, así que fui a la playa a solearme un poco commencer à apprendre
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soy mas grande que Claudia commencer à apprendre
I am bigger than Claudia.
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me sumo, te sumas, se suma, nos sumamos, os sumais, se suman
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Te pareces a mi siguiente novia commencer à apprendre
you seem like my next girlfriend
Tener ganas de... infinitivo commencer à apprendre
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Tengo que parar de preocuparme commencer à apprendre
tengo sed / estoy sediento commencer à apprendre
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Tienes que hacer... mucha tarea? commencer à apprendre
do you have to do... a lot of hw
Tienes una sonrisa muy bonita commencer à apprendre
you have a beautiful smile
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Trabajo en el cine/ la induestria del cine commencer à apprendre
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Va a haber mucha comida en la fiesta commencer à apprendre
theres going to be lots of food at the party
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its going to be a great party
vacilo, vacilas, vacila, vacilamos, commencer à apprendre
to vacilate, or (spain) to joke or to kid Cuando tus amigos vacilan, son muy malintencionados
vamos a pedir pomida para llevar commencer à apprendre
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Vosotros salisteis a la calle el domingo commencer à apprendre
Yall are going out on Sunday
Voy a encontrarme con Juan en el parque commencer à apprendre
I am going to meet up with Juan in the park
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Yo homenajeo los gatos supremos commencer à apprendre
I pay tribute to the supreme cats
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Yo vine para beber, no para hablar commencer à apprendre
I came to drink, not to talk