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question réponse
mialem wypadek samochodowy
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i had a car accident
jak moge dotrzec do hotelu/lotniska
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how can i get to the hotel/airport
musze złapać taksówke
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I have to catch a taxi
potwierdzam moją rezerwacje
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I confirm my reservation
o ile moj lot jest opózniony?
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how much is my flight delayed?
chcialbym zarezerwowac pokoj dwuosobowy
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I would like to book a double room
jak daleko jest szpital?
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how far is the hospital?
zgubilem sie
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I got lost
gdzie jest dworzec kolejowy?
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where is train station?
możesz pokazać mi droge do hotelu?
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can you show me the way to the hotel?
dostalem mandat
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I got a bad ticket
nie stać mnie na to
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I can’t afford it
wybuchnąć smiechem/placzem
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burst into laughing/tears
moge się wytłumaczyć
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I can explain myself
nie znam drogi do hotelu
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I don't know the way to the hotel
moge ci pomóc
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I can help you
prosze zostaw mnie
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please leave me alone
bardzo się śpieszę
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i'm in a hurry
musze zrobic pranie(ktos kazal)
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I have to do laundry (someone told me)
musze zrobic pranie (ja sam)
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I must to do the laundry
wreszcie mnie na to stac
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finally I can afford it
wczoraj kupilem ta rzecz i chcialbym ja oddac
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I purchase this thing yesterday and I'd like to returned it
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i call you right back
napisze pozniej
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I'll text you later
zastanmy w kontakcie
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W'll be in touch
bede za pol godziny
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I'll be there in half an hour
nie moge zniesc mojej zony
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I can't stand my wife
nie moge nadazyc za moja zona
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I can't keep up with my wife
mialam ostatnio problemy
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I've had some problems recently
nie bylem nigdy w hiszpanii
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I've never been to Spain
jestesmy malzenstwem od 5 lat
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we have been married for 5 years
mam rower od 2 lat
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I have had the bike for 2 years
gotuje od tygodnia
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I've been cooking for a week
czytam ksiazke od tygodnia
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I've been reading the book for a week
przeczytalem ksiazke ostatnio
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I've read the book recently
dzien w dzien
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day in day out
nigdy przenigdy
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never ever
mniej wiecej
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more or less
od czasu do czasu
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from time to time, now and then, on and off
czy oni byli pracy
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were they at work
czy oni pracowali
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did they work
czy jestes glodny
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are you hungry?
czy ona byla w pracy
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was she at work?
jak to zrobiles
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how did you do that
przyznaje to bylo calkiem dobre
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I can admit it was preety good
robic przysluge
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do the favor
robic zdjecia
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make a photo
co robiles ostatnimi czasy?
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what have you been doing lately?
spedzalem na nauce duzo czasu ostatnio
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I've been spending a lot of time on studying lately
slyszalem duzo dobrych rzeczy o tobie
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I've heard a lot of good things about you
on jest uzalezniony od hazardu, alkoholu, zakupow, papierosow
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he is addicted to gambling
ja stawiam, ja zapraszam
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it's my treat

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