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W pewnym sensie
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in a manner of speaking
dzięki temu
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thanks to this
bardzo lubię
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really like
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Enjoy your meal!
czy to dla mnie
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is this for me
To prawidłowa odpowiedź
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it's the right answer
Co się potem stało?
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What happened then?
Jesteś pewny?
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are you sure?
zatrzymaj resztę
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keep the change
idziesz ze mną?
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are you coming with me?
Nie mam nic przeciwko
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I don't mind
bardzo podejrzane
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very fishy
Nie winię cię.
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I don't blame you.
Dam radę, poradzę sobie
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I will manage.
bez obrazy
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no offence
w tym wypadku
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in that case
w razie gdyby
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in case
tutaj - tam
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over here - over there
nalegać na coś
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insist on something
za darmo
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free of charge
coś jeszcze?
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anything else?
To kwestia czasu.
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It's a matter of time.

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