wskazywanie drogi 2

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question réponse
jak to daleko?
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how far is it?
jak daleko jest na lotnisko?
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how far is it to the airport?
Jak daleko jest stąd na plażę?
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how far is it to the beach from here
czy to daleko?
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is it far?
Czy to daleka droga?
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Is it a long way?
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not far
dosyć blisko
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quite close
dosyć daleko
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quite a long way
daleko na piechotę
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a long way on foot
daleko na pieszo
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a long way to walk
około mili stąd
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about a mile from here
kieruj się znakami na
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follow the signs for
jedź dalej prosto mijając światła
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continue straight past the lights
na drugich światłach skręć w lewo
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at the second set of traffic lights, turn left
przejedź przez rondo
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go over the roundabout
zjedź z ronda drugim zjazdem
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take the second exit at the roundabout
skręć w prawo na końcu ulicy
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turn right at the end of the street
przejedź pod mostem
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go under the bridge
przejedź przez most
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cross the bridge
miniesz parę przejazdów kolejowych
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you will pass a few railway crossings
idź prosto
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go straight, go forward
skręć w lewo/prawo
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turn left / right
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turn around, turn back
skręć w pierwszą/drugą ulicę w prawo/lewo
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take the first / second street to the right / left
idź prosto, dopóki...
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Keep going forward until
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in front of, before
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Post Office
linia kolejowa
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railway line
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a roundabout
sygnalizacja świetlna (światła)
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traffic lights (lights)
historyczne miejsca
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historical places

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