zwroty czesc 1

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question réponse
prosby o powtorzenie
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could you repeat the question, please. wolud you mind repeating that. could tou say it in a different way
prosba o rade
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can you give me same advice. what do you think. what is the best way
przyjmowanie rad
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i think that is a good idea. i will give it a try
pytanie o upodobanie i preferncje
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what do you think. are you interested. do you like/enjoy
wyrazanie niechci
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i just hate. i do not like
skladanie propozycji
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we colud try. perhabs we should. insuggest. i think it would be a good idea
odrzucanie ropozycji
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i do noy really like. i am not sure that is good idea. no, we need to think of something else

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