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przyjaźni ludzie
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friendly people
czyste powietrze
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clean Air
świeże jedzenie
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fresh food
mały ruch
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little traffic
bezpieczne ulice
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safe streets
dużo szkół i uniwersytetów
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lots of schools and universities
dobry transport publiczny
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good public transport
teatry i kina
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theaters and cinemas
dużo sklepów i galeri
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lots of shops and nalls
dużo stanowisk pracy
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lots of services
bliskie szpitale
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near hospitals
brak transportu publicznego
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no public transport
mało rozrywek
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not much entertainment
nie wiele stanowisk pracy
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not many jobs
dalego do sklepów
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not close to shop
dalego do szkół
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school far away
duże natężenie ruch
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heavy traffic
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dużo ludzi
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crowds all people
wysokie budynki
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tall buildings

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