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His response to the accusation was rapid. commencer à apprendre
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go a long way to doing sth commencer à apprendre
przejść długą drogę do zrobienia czegoś
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He moved slowly and cautiously along the dark rocky path. commencer à apprendre
inaczej niż carefully
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rów/zarzucić, zarzucać (np. plan, pomysł)/zerwać (np. związek, romans), rzucić(k
It was disheartening to see how few people turned up. commencer à apprendre
To było bardzo zniechęcające zobaczyć, jak niewielu ludzi się pojawiło.
The inevitable finally happens. commencer à apprendre
Nieuniknione w końcu nadeszło.
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religious/moral convictions; Since it was her first conviction for stealing, she was given a less severe sentence. commencer à apprendre
przekonanie, oficjalny wyork skazujący
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Pupils contract in bright light, and dilate in darkness. commencer à apprendre
źrenice zwężają się w jasnym świetle i poszerzają w ciemności.
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To date this guy has lost every appeal he’s made. commencer à apprendre
Dotąd ten gość przegrał każdą apelację, którą złożył.
Lawyers complained to the State Supreme Court about the severity of the sentence. commencer à apprendre
Prawnicy odoływali się do Stanowego Najwyższego sądu w sprawie surowości kary.
Lawyers succeeded in persuading the judges to reduce the sentence. commencer à apprendre
Prawnikom udało się przekonać sędziów do zmniejszenia wyroku.
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przestępstwo popełnione przez nieletniego, nieletni przestępca
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They named the law after the three strikes rule in baseball where the person batting is allowed two strikes (he can miss two balls), but on the third strike he is out. commencer à apprendre
nazwać coś/kogoś po kimś/czymś Nazwano prawo na podstawie zasady trzech zamachów w baseballu gdzie osoba wybijającej przysługują dwie próby (może przepuścić dwie piłki), ale po trzeciej próbie odpada.
The three strikes law is based on the same principle - three convictions and you're taken out of society. commencer à apprendre
Prawo trzech zamachów bazuje na tej samej zasadzie - trzy wyroki skazujące i jesteś wykluczony ze społeczeństwa.
However, California is different from most other states - they insist on giving life sentences for any third conviction. commencer à apprendre
Natomiast (stan) Kalifornia różni się od większości stanów - nalegają na dawanie dożywocia za jakiekolwiek trzeci wyrok.
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wyrok (raczej skazujący), sąd (opinia)
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jednakże, natomiast, aczkolwiek
But these figures do not convince everyone of the law's effectiveness. commencer à apprendre
Ale te liczby nie przekonują wszystkich co do skuteczności prawa.
His family protested against his punishment and worry about how he'll cope with his sentence. commencer à apprendre
protestować przeciwko czemuś Jego rodzina zaprotestowała przeciwko jego karze, martwi się jak on sobie poradzi z wyrokiem.
Williams's lawyers complained to the State Supreme Court about the severity of the sentence and succeeded in persuading the judged to reduce the sentence to six years, which he served. commencer à apprendre
narzekać na kogoś / wnosić skargę Prawnicy Williamsa złożyli skargę do Stanowego Sądu Najwyższego w sprawie surowości wyroku i udało im się skutecznie przekonać sędziów do zmniejszenia wyroku do sześciu lat, które on odsiedział.
When Reyes apologised to the court for falsifying the name on the test, he had no idea the judge was about to sentence him to life. commencer à apprendre
Gdy Reyes okazał skruchę przed sądem za podrobienie nazwiska na teście, nie miał pojęcie, że sędzia miał skazać go na dożywocie.
Reyes's lawyer applied to the court for a retrial. commencer à apprendre
Prawnik Reyesa złożył apelację do sądu o ponowne rozpatrzenie sprawy.
In discussions are you usually able to convince people of your ideas? commencer à apprendre
przekonać kogoś do czegoś W dyskusjach czy jesteś zwykle w stanie przekonać ludzi do swoich idei?
As I read my mother's letter, I began to feel more and more homesick. commencer à apprendre
I am writing to thank you for helping us find the right hotel for our holiday. commencer à apprendre
help nigdy z „ing”
The needle pierces the fabric four times a second. I couldn't wear these earrings because my ears aren't pierced. The gun fires a shell capable of piercing the armour of an enemy tank. The hole they drilled pierces six kilometres into the earth's crust. commencer à apprendre
The needle pierces the fabric four times a second. commencer à apprendre
Each prize is awarded in a different literary genre between various works entered in the competition. commencer à apprendre
Amir, whose mother is dead, is brought up by by his father and his father’s servant. commencer à apprendre
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idiom meaning that a particular effort is futile, being a waste of time without a positive outcome commencer à apprendre
John Keate once flogged 80 boys publicly in one session. commencer à apprendre
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in 1983 all forms of corporal punishment, where phased out. commencer à apprendre
Bad work is called “rip”, because it is ripped up by the teacher. commencer à apprendre
to break (paper) into many small pieces.
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He frequently commutes to work through the busy streets of London. commencer à apprendre
there were a number of letters criticizing his behavior, but Boris laughed it off. commencer à apprendre
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He started off as a trainee reporter on The Times. commencer à apprendre
in November 2004, he was forced to resign over allegations of an extra marital affair with Patronella Wyatt. commencer à apprendre
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I’ve been offered a job, but I’m not going to accept it. The pay is too low. commencer à apprendre
I forgot my wallet. - Not to worry. I’ll lend you some money. commencer à apprendre
They courted for two years before getting married. commencer à apprendre
to have a romantic relationship with someone that you hope to marry.
He chatted her up and at the end of the evening asked her out to dinner at a nearby restaurant. commencer à apprendre
He asked her out to a dinner. commencer à apprendre
umówić się z kimś na randkę
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A week or so before the wedding, Laurence went out on a stag night with his male friends. commencer à apprendre
... while Carol enjoyed her hen party with her female friends. commencer à apprendre
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The priest conducted ceremony and, after Laurence and Carol had exchanged vows, pronoumced them husband and wife. commencer à apprendre
złożyć ślubowanie/przyrzec sobie
pronunce husband and wife commencer à apprendre
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Somebody you know, but not very well. business a.; I have absolutely no a. with the family.; Sadly, my a. with Spanish lit is rather limited. commencer à apprendre
I've got lots of friends, but only one real soul mate. commencer à apprendre
How do you get on with your in-laws? - Not well, I'm afraid. They've never forgiven me for marrying their son. commencer à apprendre
Didn't you meet your future wife on a blind date? - Yes, my friends arranged it for me. commencer à apprendre
plenty more fish in the sea I'm sorry you and Melanie have split up, but don't worry; there are plenty more fish in the sea. commencer à apprendre
dużo więcej ryb w morzu - odpowiednik "tego kwiatu jest pół światu"
Don't go out with him! He's a real ladykiller. commencer à apprendre
Sally came to the party with her latest toy boy. commencer à apprendre
zabawkowy chłopak (dużo młodszy)
Your new secretary is a bit of a flirt, isn't she? - She certainly is. She likes attracting the attention of all the men in the office. commencer à apprendre
Is Meg still on the shelf? - No. Haven't you heard? She met the men of her dreams a few weeks ago. commencer à apprendre
być wolnym (w sensie towarzyskim)
think their marriage is on the rocks. commencer à apprendre
w stanie schyłkowym, grożącym rozpadem
I'll have a whisky on the rocks, please. commencer à apprendre
Their parents were delighted that they had decided to tie the knot. commencer à apprendre
wstąpić w związek małżeński
Laurence’s friends weren’t so sure, however, and all agreed that they would drift apart and split up long before the wedding. commencer à apprendre
They wanted to get married in a registry office, but their parents insisted on a traditional church wedding. commencer à apprendre
The church was packed, friends and family of the bride on the left, friends and family of the groom on the right. commencer à apprendre
It’d be lovely to see you, but I don’t want to put you out. commencer à apprendre
sprawić komuś kłopot czy dodatkową pracę
The pollen will probably make me sneeze. commencer à apprendre
I wound the rope around the tree to strengthen it against the gale. commencer à apprendre
The main house houses are collection of rare stamps. commencer à apprendre
mieścić się gdzieś (np. w budynku)
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wymawia się jak łuk - bow you sow the seeds while I feed the sow. commencer à apprendre
Siałeś ziarna gdy ja karmiłem lochę