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doznać kontuzi/urazów
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Sustain Injuries
podtrzymywać życie
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sustain life
wyczerpać naturalne źródła
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Run out of natural resources
wybiec dziko z klasy
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Run out wild of the classroom
wymarte gatunki zachowane w bursztynie
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Extinct species preserved in amber
zachować nature
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preserve nature
pielucha jednokrotnego użytku
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Disposable diaper
pieniądze na czarną godzinę
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Disposable income for emergency
apteczka pierwszej pomocy
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first aid kit
sportowy zestaw (ubrania na mecz)
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sports kit
prad wodny (oceanu)
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An ocean current
prad (z gniazdka)
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Electric current
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Dinosaurs DIED OUT many years ago
wyczerpata sie
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The battery just DIED
brzeg rzeki
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the river bank
skup butelek
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Bottle banks
Nie zakłócaj spokoju zwierząt.
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Do not disturb wildlife.
radzić sobie ze stresem
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Keep a cool head
schłodzić/uspokoić się
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cool down

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