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wielu ludzi w to wierzy
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many people belive that
Czy słyszałeś o
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Did you hear about
Co sądzisz na temat...?
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What do you think about...?
Czy wiedziałeś o tym
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Did you know that
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In general
Oprócz tego
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Apart from this
Najważniejszą zaletą jest
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The most important advanatge is
Z jednej strony
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On the one hand
Z drugiej strony
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On thr other hand
na przykład
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for example
z powodu
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due to
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to sum up
na zakończenie
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in conclusion
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc
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On the whole
W sumie
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All in all
po pierwsze
commencer à apprendre
in the first place

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