words in Romanian

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question réponse
are you dumb
commencer à apprendre
esti prost
let go
commencer à apprendre
sa mergem
can you translate this for me
commencer à apprendre
poti sa imi traduci asta
I need your help
commencer à apprendre
Am nevoie de ajutorul vostru
I have to go now
commencer à apprendre
Trebuie să plec acum
you good
commencer à apprendre
esti bun
leave me alone
commencer à apprendre
lasă-mă în pace
I do not understand
commencer à apprendre
nu inteleg
see you later
commencer à apprendre
ne vedem mai tarziu
why do you speak Romanian to me
commencer à apprendre
de ce imi vorbesti romaneste
how do you say in Romanian
commencer à apprendre
cum se spune in romana

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