wordlist unit 5

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at the age of 16
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w wieku 16 lat
be 16 years of age
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mieć 16 lat
for somebodys age
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na czyjś wiek
get to old age
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dojść do starości
in somebodys teens
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w czyichś nastoletnich latach
in the age of technology
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w erze technologii
under the age of
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poniżej wieku
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zaprzyjaźnić się z
bring up
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casual relationship
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zwykła relacja
extended family
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rodzina wielopokoleniowa
foster child
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przybrane dziecko
foster family
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rodzina zastępcza
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keep in touch
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być w kontakcie
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steady relationship
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stały związek
ask somebody out
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zaprosić kogoś na randkę
be attracted to somebody
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pociągać kogoś
be crazy about somebody
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szaleć za kimś
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cheat on somebody
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zdradzać kogoś
dump somebody
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rzucić kogoś
fall in love
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zakochać się
fall out
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get on like a house on fire
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świetnie się dogadywać
get on somebodys nerves
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wejść komuś na nerwy
get over something
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dojść do siebie
go on a date
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iść na randkę
go out together
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wyjść razem
go through a bad patch
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przechodzić kryzys
have a row
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kłócić się
make up
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pogodzić się
patch up the differences
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dojść do porozumienia
split up
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tie the knot
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wziąć ślub
clash over something
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sprzeczać się o coś
drive somebody up the wall
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doprowadzić kogoś do szału
encounter a problem
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napotkać problem
get through to somebody
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dotrzeć do kogoś
get told off
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zostać zbesztanym
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on the surface
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na powierzchni
push somebody to the limits
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doprowadzać kogoś do szału
struggle to do something
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mieć z czymś trudności
turn somebody into something
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zmienić kogoś w coś
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