what is here? where is the...?

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co jest w twoim pokoju?
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what is in your room?
w moim pokoju jest łóżko.
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there is a bed in my room.
co jest w twoim pokoju?
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what is in your room?
w moim pokoju jest krzesło.
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there is a chair in my room.
co jest w twoim pokoju
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what is in your room?
w moim pokoju są książki.
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there are books in my room.
gdzie jest moja książka?
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where is my book?
Twoja książka / ta książka leży na stole.
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Your book /the book is on the table.
gdzie są moje kredki?
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where are my crayons?
Twoje kredki /Te kredki są w piórniku.
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Your crayons /the crayons are in the pencil case.

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