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Utilisation de VocApp1017jours. J'apprends de VocApp648jours, y compris de façon constante depuis539jours. Je suis l'auteur32ensembles. La dernière fois que vous pourriez me voir2024-06-27 14:58:31.

Mes intérêts


Mes fiches

Moje słówka i zwroty
Managing a problem - 30.11.2023
30 Difficult Situations - 02.12.2023
Giving and receiving positive feedback - 22.11.2023
7 Biggest Business Challenges - 09.12.2023
A Threat to Bananas - 20.12.2023
Altenberg - rozdział 1 + 2
Altenberg - rozdział 3 + 4
10 Biggest Challenges for Consultants - 03.01.2024
15 Problems - Solving Activities - 24.01.2024
Altenberg - rozdział 5 + 6
Agile Working - 11.02.2024
Coaching - 17.02.2024
Conflict management - 25.02.2024
5 Common Workplace Conflicts - 29.02.2024
Altenberg - rozdział 7 + 8
Cultural behaviour in business - 16.03.2024
Four Books Summaries - 27.03.2024
Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds - 27.03.2024
7 Businessman's Qualities - 06.04.2024
Fashion - 19.04.2024
Human Race - Amazing Things About - 20.04.2024
Adjectives of Personality - 24.04.2024
Social Issues - Poverty - 27.04.2024
Personality Adjectives and Opposites - 01.05.2024
Daily Habits in Poland - 12.05.2024
30 Stories about Building Habits - 16.05.2024
Working Abroad - 21.05.2024
The Goldilocks Rule - 31.05.2024
Government Propaganda - 17.06.2024

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