Urban Crochet Invasion

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robić na szydełku
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to crochet
I crochet mega yarn art.
do not pronounce T in crochet
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a crochet hook
I like to use a big crochet hook.
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zakładam, że / przypuszczam, że...
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I assume that...
boisko do gry w piłkę nożną
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a football field
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wykonać pracę
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to get a job done
It helps get the job done faster.
podzielić coś na coś (np. na mniejsze części)
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to break sth down into
I'll break things down into simple shapes.
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a sketch
I do a sketch.
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a circle
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a mouth
There's a little line for a mouth.
Zrobiłam na szydełku autobus szkolny.
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I crocheted a school bus.
to crochet - crocheted - crocheted
autobus piętrowy
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a double decker
Dwa billboardy całkowicie zrobione z włóczki.
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Two billboards entirely made of yarn.
druk 3 D
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3 D printing (technology)
wymyślić coś
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to come up with sth
I came up with my own crochet hook.
Szydełkowanie ma właściwości terapeutyczne.
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Crocheting is (extremely) therapeutic.
przypominać o czymś / o kimś
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to remind sb of sth/sb
It reminds people of the ones they love.
miejsce publiczne
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a public place
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to add sth
I hope it adds this warm and cozy feeling.
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I felt warm and cozy sitting by the fire. (NiV)
One są fantastyczne.
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These are amazing.

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