Unit 8

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Télécharger mP3 Imprimer jouer consultez
question réponse
carbon footprint
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emisji dwutlenku węgla
climate change
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zmiana klimatu
global warming
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globalne ocieplenie
greenhouse effect
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efekt cieplarniany
ozone layer
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Warstwa ozonowa
renewable energy
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energii ze źródeł odnawialnych
sustainable development
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rozwój zrównoważony
toxic waste
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odpady toksyczne
call for
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require, demand
chop down
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make a tree, etc. fall by cutting it
clean up
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make a place completely clean and tidy
die out
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become less common and then disappear
do away with
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get rid of
run out
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if sth runs out, you don’t have any more of it
throw away
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get rid of sth you no longer want
wipe out
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destroy completely
affected by
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exposed to
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narażone na
harmful to
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szkodliwe dla
protected from
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chronione przed
threatened by
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waste of
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strata (np. czasu)

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