unit 6

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question réponse
a protest about government's lack of support for farmers
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protest przeciwko rządowemu braku wsparcia dla rolników
a well-known historical figure
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znana postać historyczna
acutely embarrassed
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dotkliwie/ogromnie zawstydzony
an assailant
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an outbreak of (war/ disease/ violence)
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wybuch (wojny / choroby / przemoy)
attempt at a joke
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próba żartu
attitude towards women in politics
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stosunek do kobiet w polityce
big issues like equal pay
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ważne kwestie, takie jak równa płaca
centre-right party
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centroprawicowa impreza
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democracy, democratic, democrats
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demokracja, demokracja, demokraci
the deputy lader of
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zastępca dowódcy
each distric elects Member of Parlament
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każdy poseł wybiera posła do Parlamentu
economy/ economics/economist
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ekonomia / ekonomia / ekonomista
fair grounds for dismissal
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uczciwe podstawy do zwolnienia
general elections
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governing/ ruling party
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rządząca / rządząca partia
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head of state
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głowa stanu/ prezydent
humiliating experience
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upokarzające doświadczenie
main political parties
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główne partie polityczne
ministry spokesman confirmed that
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rzecznik ministerstwa potwierdził to
moderate goverments
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umiarkowane rządy
opinion polls
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outcome of
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parliament/ pariamentary
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parlament / paramentarny
polling station
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lokal wyborczy
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