Unit 3

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question réponse
agree with
commencer à apprendre
to have or express the same opinion about something as someone else
apologise for
commencer à apprendre
to tell someone that you are sorry that you have done something wrong
appeal to
commencer à apprendre
if someone or something appeals to you, they seem attractive and interesting
apply for
commencer à apprendre
to make a formal request, usually written, for something such as a job, a place at a university or permission to do something
commencer à apprendre
when someone goes to a class
be creative
commencer à apprendre
to ve very good at using your imagination to make things
be punctual
commencer à apprendre
arriving, happening, or being done at exactly the time that has been arranged
be responsible
commencer à apprendre
to be sensible and able to make good judgments, so that you can be trusted
be self-employed
commencer à apprendre
to work for yourself and not be employed by a company
be your own boss
commencer à apprendre
to work for yourself rather than being employed by someone else
become more independent
commencer à apprendre
to be confident and able to do things by yourself in your own way, without needing help or advice from other people
become more self-confident
commencer à apprendre
to become sure that you can do things well
believe in
commencer à apprendre
to think that something is effective or right
benefit from
commencer à apprendre
to have an advantage out of something
business idea
commencer à apprendre
a concept that can be used for financial gain
catch up on emails
commencer à apprendre
to look through all the emails because you have not been able to do it until that time
catch up on sleep
commencer à apprendre
to get some sleep because you have not been able to do it until that time
choose between
commencer à apprendre
to decide between one thing or another
coding skills
commencer à apprendre
an ability to write computer programs
commencer à apprendre
to work together with a person or group in order to achieve something
come up with a plan
commencer à apprendre
to think of a plan
come up with an idea
commencer à apprendre
to think of an idea
cope with
commencer à apprendre
to succeed in dealing with a difficult problem or situation
cope with pressure
commencer à apprendre
to succeed in dealing with pressure
depend on
commencer à apprendre
to need something or someone in order to be successful
commencer à apprendre
a punishment in which children who have behaved badly are forced to stay at school for a short time after the others have gone home
commencer à apprendre
a way of training someone so that they learn to control their behaviour and obey rules
commencer à apprendre
something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing
commencer à apprendre
earn trust
commencer à apprendre
to deserve trust
commencer à apprendre
a process in which you test a new idea or method to see if it is useful or effective
financial reward
commencer à apprendre
a reward in the form of money
find solutions
commencer à apprendre
to resolve problems
gear up
commencer à apprendre
to prepare for something
get on with friends
commencer à apprendre
if friends get on, they like each other and have a friendly relationship with each other
get on with people
commencer à apprendre
if people get on, they like each other and have a friendly relationship with each other
commencer à apprendre
a mark that a student is given for their work or for an examination
commencer à apprendre
a piece of paper with information, which is given to people who are attending a lesson
have a good salary
commencer à apprendre
to receive a good wage
have a lot of pressure
commencer à apprendre
to have too many things to do and feel anxious about it
have control over your own time
commencer à apprendre
to be able to manage your own time
have time off
commencer à apprendre
to officially be allowed not to be at work or studying
improve communication skills
commencer à apprendre
to get better at communicating with people
insist on
commencer à apprendre
to say firmly and often that something is true, especially when other people think it may not be true
keep up with a hobby
commencer à apprendre
to continue to practise a skill so that you do not lose it
keep up with an activity
commencer à apprendre
to follow the tempo of an activity
lead to
commencer à apprendre
to cause something to happen
learn teamwork
commencer à apprendre
to learn how to work effectively in a group
learn the value of money
commencer à apprendre
to find out how to respect money especially because you have to earn it yourself
learning space
commencer à apprendre
an area where you can learn
life lessons
commencer à apprendre
a lesson that you get from life experiences
make judgements about situations
commencer à apprendre
the ability to make sensible decisions about situations
make up for lost time
commencer à apprendre
to do a lot of something in an eager way because you have not had a chance to do it before
make up for missed lessons
commencer à apprendre
catch up with the material that was covered during the classes you missed
organise your time
commencer à apprendre
to plan what you have to do
pilot scheme
commencer à apprendre
a small project which is carried out as a test to see if an idea will be successful
pocket money
commencer à apprendre
a small amount of money that parents regularly give their children
refer to
commencer à apprendre
to mention or speak about someone or something
rely on
commencer à apprendre
to trust or depend on someone
result in
commencer à apprendre
to make something happen
run out of energy
commencer à apprendre
to no longer have energy
run out of ideas
commencer à apprendre
to no longer have ideas
commencer à apprendre
a brother or sister, or both
specialise in
commencer à apprendre
to limit all or most of your study to a particular subject
succeed in
commencer à apprendre
to have the result or effect something was intended to have
commencer à apprendre
to help someone by being sympathetic and kind to them
commencer à apprendre
a plan that states exactly what students at school should learn in a particular subject
take decisions
commencer à apprendre
to make an important or formal decision
commencer à apprendre
a list of the times of classes in a school
win-win situation
commencer à apprendre
a win-win situation is one that will end well for everyone involved in it
work as a team
commencer à apprendre
to work on something as a group of people, not individually
work full-time
commencer à apprendre
to work for all the hours of a week during which it is usual for people to work
work independently
commencer à apprendre
to work on your own
work part-time
commencer à apprendre
to work for only part of each day or week
work shifts
commencer à apprendre
one of the set periods of time during each day and night when a group of employees are at work before being replaced by another group of employees

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