UNIT 2 - another III

 0    22 fiche    martynagaczynska
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question English réponse English
to plan for sth to happen or expect sth to happen
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to project
to become less, or to make something become less
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to decrease
to become less, or to make something become less
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to make a serious or formal request, especially to the public, for money, information, or help
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to appeal
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to aprove for sth
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to permit
oposite of export
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to import
to think or believe something to be true or probable
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the situation in which you have to wait longer than expected for something to happen, or the time that you have to wait
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to make something happen at a later time than originally planned or expected
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to delay
to guess
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make a guess
to give someone who has provided you with a service an extra amount of money to thank them
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to tip
not ethical
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not thinking enough or not worrying about the possible results of what you do
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shocking and morally unacceptable
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making you feel worried or upset
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based on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical
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not allowed by law
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sth has to change
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sth has to give
To become the leader, to advance into first place.
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take the lead
to manage to live without things that you would like to have or with things of a worse quality than you would like
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make do with sth
continuing or operating without problems or sudden changes
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be on an even keel

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