tworzenie pytan l. 71

 0    39 fiche    karolinazarnecka2
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question réponse
czy mówisz po angielsku?
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do you speak english?
czy on tu pracuje?
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does he work here?
czy pochodzą z Hiszpanii?
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do they come from spain?
idziesz do domu?
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are you going home?
czy pada deszcz
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is it raining?
Czy zdała egzamin?
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Did she pass the exam?
Poszedłeś wczoraj do szkoły?
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Did you go to school yesterday?
Czy jedli śniadanie?
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Did they have breakfast?
Czy widziałeś film?
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Have you seen the film?
Czy była w Anglii?
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Has she been to England?
Masz prawo jazdy?
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Do you have a driving licence?
Z kim rozmawiasz?
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Who are you talking to?
Na kogo patrzysz?
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Who are you looking at?
O kim myślisz?
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Who are you thinking about?
Gdzie on pracuje?
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Where does he work?
Skąd pochodzą?
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Where do they come fron?
Co robisz?
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What are you doing?
O której godzinie skończyłeś wczoraj pracę?
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What time did you finish work yesterdwy?
Kiedy widziałeś film?
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When did you see the film?
Ile razy widziałeś ten film?
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How many times have you seen that film?
Jak długo tam przebywali?
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How long did they stay there?
Co ty zrobiłeś?
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What have you done?
Kto tu mieszka?
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Who lives here?
Kto kocha Ewę?
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Who loves Eve?
Kto mówi pięcioma językami?
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Who speaks five languages?
Kto Cię zaprosił?
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Who invited you to the party?
Kto zjadl te kanapki?
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Who has eaten the sandwiches?
Co się stało?
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What has happened?
Czyje dzieci stłukły wazon?
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Whose children broke the vase?
Co spowodowało pożar?
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What started the fire?
Kogo zaprosili na imprezę?
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Who did they invite to the party?
Co zjadłeś?
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What did you eat?
Kogo kocha Ewa?
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Who does Eve love?
Co zrobiliscie?
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What did you done?
Kogo kocha Ewa?
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Who does Eve love?
Co zrobiliscie?
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What did you do?
Czyje dzieci tam widziałeś?
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Whose children did you see there?
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