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após a morte da mãe, quatro irmãs descobrem um assustador segredo de família e partem numa jornada para descobrir a verdade sobre suas origens commencer à apprendre
after her mother's death, four sisters discover a scary family secret and set out on a journey to discover the truth about their origins
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Consegues guardar um segredo? commencer à apprendre
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Eu devia ter contado pessoalmente, mas você sabe que nâo tenho tempo para nada. commencer à apprendre
I should have told you in person, but you know I do not have time for anything.
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sim, mas em alguns dias tudo vai ficar melhor commencer à apprendre
Yes, but in a few days everything will get better
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deixe as chaves, por favor. Obrigado commencer à apprendre
Leave the keys, please. Thank you
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vejamos as mundaças que vocés fizeram commencer à apprendre
Let's see the ways you've done
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temos trabalhado na coleção de alta-costura de outono, seguindo suas diretrizes, e esperamos que goste o tanto que nós gostamos. commencer à apprendre
we have been working on the autumn couture collection, following your guidelines, and hope you enjoy how much we like.
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I do not even know your name
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enough of that. Go away.(speaking to two guys)
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Go! (speaking to two guys)
vou a um funeral, não a uma festa commencer à apprendre
I'm going to a funeral, not a party.
mas o que vão pensar se, depois de um ano juntas, eu não for? commencer à apprendre
but what will you think if, after a year together, I am not?
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eu queria poder ir contigo commencer à apprendre
I wish I could go with you.
Minhas irmãs não sabem de ti commencer à apprendre
My sisters do not know about you.
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quanto a minha situaçao com o meu marido commencer à apprendre
As for my situation with my husband
Não conte nada para as minhas irmãs commencer à apprendre
Do not tell my sisters anything.
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vamos dizer a elas que ele está a viajar, e só. commencer à apprendre
Let's tell them he's traveling, and that's all.
mas eu pensei que ele estava a viajar commencer à apprendre
But I thought he was traveling.
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Costumava pesar mais de cem quilos. commencer à apprendre
He used to weigh more than a hundred kilos.
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digo, ele é praticamente da família. nada mais justo. commencer à apprendre
I mean, he's practically family. nothing more just.
A vida nem sempre é justa. commencer à apprendre
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tios em segundo grau da mãe, ou algo assim. commencer à apprendre
mother's second-degree uncles, or something.
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ela náo tinha tios em segundo grau commencer à apprendre
she did not have uncles in second degree
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