tryb zycia

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unikać cwiczen
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avoid exercising
byc w dobrej formie
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be in good shape
ograniczyć spozywanie niezdrowego jedzenia
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cut down on junk food
regularnie sie badac
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do regular medical tests
jesc tlusto
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eat fatty food
stosowac sie do zalecen lekarza
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follow your doctor’s advice
pojsc wczesniej spac
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have an early night
pojsc pozno spac
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have an late night
utrzymywac dobra forme
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keep fit
zredukowac stres
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reduce stress
dbac o siebie
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take care of oneself
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suplementy witaminowe
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vitamin supplements
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work out
przewlekly stres
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chronic stress
wyksztalcic zle nawyki
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develop bad habits
siedzscy tryb zycia
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sedentary lifestyle
miec powazny, negatywny wplyw na cos
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severely affect sth
intensywne cwiczenia
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vigorous exercise

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