Tosia 4th Dec (45 min)

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question réponse
Dobrze spałaś?
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Did you sleep well?
ile książek?
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how many books?
Zjadłem dwa jajka.
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I ate two eggs.
Jem jajka teraz.
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I'm eating eggs now.
W każdą sobotę jem jajka.
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Every Saturday I eat eggs.
Co jadłeś na imprezie?
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What did you eat AT the party?
to bułka z masłem
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it's a piece of cake
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I'm joking. / I'm kidding.
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Are you kidding? / Are you joking?
Jestem na imprezie.
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I'm AT the party.
We are AT the party.
na podłodze
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on the floor
na ścianie
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on the wall
na stole
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on the table
na biurku
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on the desk
na plaży
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on the beach
Jestem na plaży.
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I'm on the beach.
Czy jesteś na plaży?
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Are you on the beach?
Jesteś na imprezie?
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Are you at the party?
Jestem w kuchni.
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I'm in the kitchen.
Jesteś w łazience?
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Are you in the bathroom?
Czy Zosia jest w toalecie?
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Is Zosia in the toilet?
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to sit - sat - sat
Siedziałem z przyjaciółmi.
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I sat with my friends.
Nie mam pojęcia.
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I have no idea.
Jesteśmy zmęczeni.
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We are tired.
Byam smutna.
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I was sad.
Moja mama była głodna.
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My mum was hungry.
Mój tata był śpiący.
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My dad was sleepy.
Byliśmy w domu.
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We were at home.
On jest w pracy.
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He is at work.
Ona jest w szkole.
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She is at school.
Oni są w domu.
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They are at home.
Jesteś w pracy.
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You are at work.
Nie ma nas w szkole.
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We aren't at school.
Była w domu, kiedy do niej pisałeś wiadomość.
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She was at home when you texted.
Ciasto nie było smaczne.
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The cake wasn't tasty.
Ciasto nie było smaczne. (Ciasto) Było za słodkie.
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The cake wasn't tasty. It was too sweet.
Impreza była niedzielę.
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The party WAS on Sunday.
Impreza rozpoczęła się o godzinie 18:00.
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The party started at 6:00pm.
Idę teraz do domu.
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I'm going home now.

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