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1. rise, increase, climb; (특히 경제활동의) upturn, rise, increase, climb, go up; (가격·가치 등이) appreciate; (비행기 등이) (formal) ascend commencer à apprendre
1. crawl 2. go on all fours 3. crawl about on hands and knees commencer à apprendre
1.(교통이) (Am) tie-up, be congested, be tied up2.(상황·일 등이) stagnation, be stagnant commencer à apprendre
[暴雨] 1. heavy rain(fall), torrential rain, (torrential) downpour, deluge commencer à apprendre
1.(군사 공격) [명사] ambush, raid, blitz, surprise[sudden] attack, [동사] ambush, raid, blitz (=급습)2.(비유적) commencer à apprendre
1.(자동차) car, (motor) vehicle, traffic2.(열차의 한 칸) (Am) car, (Brit) carriage commencer à apprendre
1. happen one after another, occur in succession commencer à apprendre
1. operate2. move; revolve commencer à apprendre
Adjective 1. chaotic; crowded; jammed commencer à apprendre
1. user, (도서관 등의 방문자) visitor commencer à apprendre
1. public[mass] transportation, public[mass] transit commencer à apprendre
1.(한쪽으로 밀리다) be cornered, be driven[pushed] (into a corner)2.(한곳으로 모이다) flock, throng; (업무 등이) be swamped with[by]3.(난처한 처지에 놓이다) be driven (to/into) commencer à apprendre
Stagnant water is bound to rot. commencer à apprendre
1. insufficiency, inadequacy, unsatisfactoriness, 미흡하다 (be) insufficient, be not enough, (be) inadequate, unsatisfactory, be not up to the mark commencer à apprendre
(준비하다) prepare, arrange; (제공하다) provide; (돈을 모으다) scrape up[together] commencer à apprendre
1. a sudden[rapid, sharp] increase, surge(전류·전압의), 급증하다 increase suddenly[rapidly, sharply] commencer à apprendre
1. measure(s), step(s); (대응책) countermeasure(s) commencer à apprendre
1. fraud, swindle, confidence game[trick], (informal) con, (informal) scam commencer à apprendre
1. government, administration commencer à apprendre
1. morale, fighting spirit commencer à apprendre
1.[명사] deal, dealings; (상업) business, (formal) transaction; (무역) trade; (불법적인) traffic, [동사] deal (with), trade (with), make[(Brit) do] a deal (with), have dealings (with), do[transact] business (with) commencer à apprendre
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1. expand2. charge advance, enter, go (into) commencer à apprendre
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1. taste, liking, preference commencer à apprendre
1.(잠기거나 빠지게 하다) drop2.(함정·곤경 등에)3.(빼놓다) omit, leave out, miss commencer à apprendre
make the most of an opportunity commencer à apprendre
1.(물건 등을) hide, (formal) conceal, (formal) secrete; (덮어서) cover (up), (=숨기다)2. hide, (사실·감정 등을) disguise, cover (up), (formal) conceal, keep sth secret[back]3.(자취를) disappear, vanish commencer à apprendre
1.(지나간 사건을) reenact, (사실·결과 등을) reproduce commencer à apprendre