they hold a grudge against you, procrastinate, procrastination, rather than, repair shop, brag, bragging, resemble, dissemble, consult, electrified, leak, troublesome, once in the blue moon, it costs an arm and a leg, depict, enforce, imprison, renounce

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It’s obvious that {żywią do ciebie urazę} for what happened last year.
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They hold a grudge against you {ðeɪ həʊld ə ɡrʌdʒ əˈɡenst juː}
Stop {odkładać na później} and finish your homework now!
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Procrastinate {prəˈkræs. tɪ. neɪt}
His constant {odkładanie na później} is causing delays in the project.
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Procrastination {prəˌkræs. tɪˈneɪ.ʃən}
I prefer reading {zamiast} watching TV.
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Rather than {ˈrɑː.ðə(r) ðæn}
I had to take my car to the {warsztatu naprawczego} because the brakes were failing.
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Repair shop {rɪˈpeə ʃɒp}
She {przypomina} her mother in both looks and personality.
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Resemble {rɪˈzem. bl̩}
He tried to {udawać} calmness, but his voice was trembling.
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Dissemble {dɪˈsem. bl̩}
The audience was {elektryzowana} by her outstanding performance.
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Electrified {ɪˈlek. trɪ. faɪd}
There’s a {wyciek} in the roof; we need to fix it before it rains.
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Leak {liːk}
His {kłopotliwe} behavior is causing problems at school.
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Troublesome {ˈtrʌb. l̩. səm}
We go to the cinema {raz na ruski rok}, but we always enjoy it.
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Once in a blue moon {wʌns ɪn ə bluː muːn}
That designer bag {kosztuje majątek}!
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It costs an arm and a leg {ɪt kɒsts ən ɑːm ənd ə leɡ}
The painting {przedstawia} a beautiful countryside scene.
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Depict {dɪˈpɪkt}
The police are working hard to {egzekwować} the new regulations.
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Enforce {ɪnˈfɔːs}
He was {uwięziony} for ten years for a crime he didn’t commit.
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Imprison {ɪmˈprɪz.ən}
She decided to {zrzekać się} her inheritance to support charity.
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Renounce {rɪˈnaʊns}
My hands are so {tłuste} after fixing the car engine.
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Greasy {ˈɡriː. si}
Please {pilnuj swoich spraw} and stop interfering.
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Mind your business {maɪnd jɔː ˈbɪz. nɪs}
They {oskarżyli} him of stealing company funds.
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To accuse {əˈkjuːz}
He accidentally {poraził prądem} himself while fixing the wires.
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Electrocuted {ɪˈlek. trə. kjuːt}

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