test 23n

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Dream of
i’m dreaming of living near the forest
Śnić o
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Dream about
I often dream about my childhood home
Na zawsze
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For keeps
you can have this book for keeps
Słynąć z, mieć reputację
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Have a reputation for
He has a reputation for being helpful
Wykwalifikowany, zręczny
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we need skilled workers
Złota rączka / majsterkowicz
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my colleague is a handyman
Pracować 24 godziny na dobe
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Work around the clock
Nadchodzić (wydarzenia zmiany)
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To come
there have been a lot of changes recently and there are more to come
płeć męska
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male voice/ male singer
Płeć żeńska
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female perfume
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Fall asleep
Zamek do drzwi, zamknąć na klucz
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make sure you lock the door before you leave
zrobiwszy coś
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having + III tabela
Having eaten dinner, they went for a walk
Tęsknić za, pragnąć czegoś
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long for
We long for holidays
Oddziaływanie wywierać wpływ na oddziaływać na
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mass have a lot of influence on people very often negative
Osiągnąć zrealizować spełniać
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Achieve your dreams
Osiągnięcie, wyczyn
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Getting this job is a great achievement for me
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Fairies don’t exist
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They don’t know about our existence
Smutny przygnębiony (osoba), pochmurny (pogoda), nędzny (warunki)
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I feel miserable today. Nobody should live in miserable conditions. The weather is miserable today.
Wysokie ceny
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High prices of
The prices of food are very high
Zamącić w głowie zagmatwać
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all the fact confuse me
Zamieszanie pomyłka
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Confusion about
The new facts cause it a lot of confusion
srednia Długość życia
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Life expectancy
Nowadays, life expectancy longer than in the past
Zwiększać, wzrastać
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recently flat prices have increased considerably
Znacznie w znacznym stopniu
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your English has improved considerably
Zakładać tworzyć ustanawiać
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establish a company/ establish a family
Założenie utworzenie
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Establishment of the group
Kwalifikować się nadawać się
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he qualified to the final, She qualifies to be a leader
Kwalifikacje umiejętności potrzebne do wykonywania danej pracy
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what qualifications do you have?
Ogłosić oświadczyć
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She started that she wants to move house
Wydać oświadczenie komunikat
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make a statement
Would you like to make a statement?
Irytować, drażnić
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his rude manners irritate me
Drażliwy łatwo wpadający w irytację
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He’s very irritable when he talk about this subject
Wyglądać podobnie tak samo
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Look alike
We are twins, so we look alike
Odziedziczyć, przyjmować w spadku
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he inherited a huge amount of money
Osiągnąć kończyć realizować
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You can accomplish anything if you want
Nabyć, kupić
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did you purchase anything?
Z góry, z wyprzedzeniem
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In advance
Pay in advance, thank you in advance
Łatwy jak Bułka z masłem
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as Easy as pie
This test is as easy as pie
Na pewno się stać na pewno zrobić
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Be bound to do something
You are bound to feel happy when you get a present
Nadrobić zrekompensować
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make up for sth
I need to make up for the lessons I missed. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your birthday party. I will make it up to you.
Dostrzegać różnicę
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Tell the difference
I can’t tell the difference between these two paintings

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