test 17

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stać kogos na cos finanosowo
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can afford to
Według prognozy pogody
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according to the weather forecast
kiedy tylko, w momencie gdy
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the moment
I will tell her the moment I see her
zranić się
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hurt oneself
be careful or you will hurt yourself
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odebrać kogoś z
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collect somebody
she always collects her children from school
tak jakby/ jak gdyby
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as if
pełnić służbę być dyżurze
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be on duty
he's a doctor and today he's on duty
nie mieć dyżuru byc po dżurze
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be off duty
zbiornik na paliwo w samochodzie
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car tank
nalać paliwa do samochodu
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put petrol in the car tank
Uruchom silnik
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start the engine
porzucić szkołę zrezygnować
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drop out of school
w radiu
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on the radio
I often listen to the news on the radio
ołów pierwiastek, grafit w ołówku
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benzyna bezołowiowa
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unleaded petrol
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we need to discuss some ecological issues
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who invented the bulb? (żarowka)
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some people say a car is a terrible invention
w rzeczywistości
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in reality
he seems to be a pessimist but in reality he's an optimist
osobiste zdanie osobista opinia
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personal opinion
in my personal opinion is a really great idea
dzień ukończenia studiów
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graduation day
ukończyć szkołę
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graduate from
I graduate from Secondary School 3 years ago
praktyczny wykonalny
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it's a practical solution
karta pokładowa (np. do samolotu)
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boarding pass
can I see your boarding pass?
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I have hatred of taxes and stupid rules (podatkow)
przekonanie pogląd wierzenie
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what are you beliefs?
mocno wierzyć w
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have a strong belief in
I have a strong belief in her good intentions
wyjeżdżać odjeżdżać odlatywać
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what time does the train depart
hala odlotów
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departure lounge
dowiedzieć się czegoś
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learn something
reading books we can learn a lot of interesting facts
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play truant
do you sometimes play truant
nie pasuje mi (data/ miejsce)
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it doesn't suit me
Friday doesn't suit me. Can we meet some other time?
napisać do kogoś parę słów (w liście/emailu)
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drop a line
drop me a line from time to time
ustatkować się w życiu zamieszkać gdzieś
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settle down
this is an ideal place for us to settle down
o ile mi wiadomo, z tego co wiem
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as far as I know
okręt wojenny
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wtedy, w tamtym czasie
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at the time
at the time I didn't know the whole truth
pobliski, w pobliżu
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we went to the nearby park
osiągnąć sukces
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achieve success
dosięgnąć do, dojechać do
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he is too short to reach the top shelf. When will we reach London?
cały / całkowity / pełny
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udać się, odnieść sukces powieść się
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come off
the party come off really well
tuż za rogiem
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just Round the Corner
the shop is just around the corner
ratownicy ekipa ratunkowa
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Rescue Team
zbliżać się, nadchodzić (wydarzenie)
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I approached my friends with a favor to ask
powstrzymać przed, zapobiec
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prevent somebody from
we prevented them from quarreling
znieść, usuwać, unieważnić
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they abolished slavery a long time ago (niewolnictwo)
weź się w garść, ogarnij się
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pull yourself together

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