test 14

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w końcu wreszcie
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at least
she called me at last
zostać uznanym za winnego
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be found guilty
she was found guilty of pickpocketing
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despite/ in spite of
despite being tired - despite +ing despite her tiredness - rzeczownik despote the fact that she was tired
podwładny (w organizacji), osoba niższej rangi
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pracować pod czyimś kierownictwem
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work under sb
i work under him
odpuścić sobie coś zrezygnować z czegoś
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give sth a miss
I'm so tired is that I'm going to give the party a miss
spodziewać się oczekiwać
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expect sth from sb
I expect loyalty from you
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answer with sincerity
pochodzić z jakiegoś okresu sięgać wstecz
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date back to
this traditions date back to 1600
z zamiarem zrobienia czegoś
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with a view to +ing
I bought some tomatoes with a view to making soup
dobrze na kogoś działać, mieć na kogoś dobry wpływ
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do sb good
some rest will do you good
wątpliwości, wątpić
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I doubt she will call me
wątpić w coś, nie być czegoś pewnym
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be doubtful about
I'm doubtful about her calling me
różnić się zmieniać się
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the cars vary in size and colour
przeróżny rozmaity
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I resigned from my job for various reasons
dawać satysfakcję zaspokajać
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this deal will satisfy you
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it was a satisfying experience
ekonomiczny oszczędny samochód
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economical car
być złym, rozłożonym na kogoś
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be annoyed with
I'm annoyed with her because she lied to me
ośmieszyć się
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make a fool of oneself
he made a fool of himself
włączać zawierać
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everyone was shocked, myself included
łącznie, włączając w to, razem z
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there were 10 people at the party including my two best friends
pokój w którym jest bałagan
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untidy room
od czasu do czasu
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from time to time
they go to the cinema from time to time
cud zdziwienie zadziwiać
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we marvelled at the beauty of the statue
cudowny wspaniały
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marvelous weather/idea/experience
zaprzeczać, odrzucać, zabraniać komuś
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he denied stealing the money
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she refused to sign the contract
sprzeciwiać się
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a lot of people oppose Wars
sprzeciwiać się
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object to
we objected to learning useless things
być wściekłym rozcieńczonym
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be furious
I was furious when I heard the news
utknąć w korku ulicznym
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get stuck in traffic jam
we got stuck in a traffic jam
zaskoczony wzięty przez zaskoczenie
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be taken by surprise
I was taken by surprise when he told me we are going on holidays to Mexico
okazać się
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turn out to be
at first he seemed to be friendly but later he turned out to be very mean
rozstać się, zakończyć związek, podzielić coś między sobą
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split up
we split up after we had spent four years together/ they split up the money
wspólnie wynajmować mieszkanie
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share a flat
I share a flat with my friend
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the currency in some European Union countries is the euro
to nie czyjaś wina że
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be not to blame for
I was not to blame for the accident. It was the other driver's fault
nieprawdopodobny niewiarygodny
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his stories are unbelievable
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umieć coś zrobić, być w stanie coś zrobić
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be capable of
I am capable of writing with my with my left hand and I'm right handed
z precyzja dokładnie
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with precision
he always cleans with precision

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