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to make something law
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Enact – uchwalać
decided or controlled by law
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statutory – ustawowy
to spread information or ideas
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4. dissemination – rozpowszechnianie, propagowanie
different and separate
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distinct – różny, odrębny
word used to give more detail about something
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namely – mianowicie
to cause
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give rise to – spowodować
to make something come to existence
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8. enforcement – wprowadzanie w życie, egzekwowanie
a law or a set of laws
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a law or a set of laws
to use your rights
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10. exercise your rights – korzystać ze swojego prawa
the act of giving people new or secret information
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the act of giving people new or secret information
to choose someone or something for a particular purpose or duty
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designate – wyznaczać, wskazywać
to accept that something is true
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recognize – uznawać
breaking the rule
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infringement – naruszenie
to get something
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obtain – uzyskiwać
something that makes you better
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16. remedy – zadośćuczynienie, lekarstwo
in general
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in broad terms – w ogólnym zarysie
to use an idea for your advantage
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exploit an idea – wykorzystać pomysł
to get a license
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obtain a license – uzyskać licencje
different legal paths
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20. two distinct legal categories – dwie różne kategorie prawne
to let someone know something
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21. make someone aware of – uświadomić komuś
to describe Only the most import ant ideas
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22. give a quick outline – wprowadzić, przedstawić zarys
to talk to someone again on the phone
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get back to you – oddzwonić
to work on some topic
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24. look into the matter - przyjrzeć się sprawie
something that forbit you from doing something
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Ban – zakaz
an dishonest act
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26. abusive behavior – nieuczciwe praktyki
an amount of money you must pay for breaking a law
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fine – grzywna
to do something with another person secretly in order to cheat
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collude – zmawiac się, zmowa
when something is not avaible to do
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29. unenforceable – niewykonalny, nieściągalny
how much money a business earns in a period of time
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turnover – obrót
an act of getting prices higher
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price gouging – zawyżanie cen
disqualify an offender from working or applying for work with children
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disqualification order – zakaz wykonywania obowiązków dyrektorskich
an action that breaks a rule
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disqualify an offender from working or applying for work with children
something that exists apart from other things
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entity – jednostka, podmiot
the laws that are intended to make sure that rhere is fair competition between businesses
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competition law – prawo konkurencji
to limit something
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restrict – ograniczać
an act of hetting prices lower
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37. predatory pricing – zaniżone ceny, dumping
a business especially one particular type
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38. business entity – podmiot gospodarczy
a legal or official promise to do something
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undertaking – zobowiązanie
to make a particular situation happen
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enforce – wprowadzać w życie
to protect your rights
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assert its rights – bronić swoich praw
make sure your position is in no danger
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42. protect its position – chronić swoją pozycję
to improve something
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enhance – zwiększać, poprawiać
an agreed arrangement/ the act of providing
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44. provision – świadczenie, postanowienie
a level of something that cannot be lower
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the act of providing
a consequence of breaking the rule
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criminal sanctions – sankcje karne
unfair actions
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anticompetitive practices – antykonkurencyjne praktyki
situation when someone are more entitled to something
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48. dominant position – dominująca pozycja
to Get the Best position at market
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49. dominate a market – zdominować rynek
zakładanie rachunków powierniczych
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set up trusts
to complete some duty
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51. meet obligations – wypełniać obowiązek
unikać ustaleń
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avoid findings
to reduce the risk
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remove the risk – zlikwidować ryzyko
an amount of money one needs to pay for causing prejudice
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damages – odszkodowania
to make ones pay fine
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fined – ukarać grzywną
to forbit something
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prohibit – zakazywać
having a lot of influence
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influential – wpływowy
completely necessary
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indispensable – niezbędny, konieczny
use of something for the wrong purpose
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abuse – nadużywać
to decide a certain and exact date
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fix – ustalać
unlike, different
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dissimilar – niepodobny
not directed at, intended for, or suitable
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inapplicable – nieodpowiedni
a group of business partners
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63. associations of undertakings – związek przedsiębiorców
not able to exist or work with another person
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incompatible – niezgodny
the act of stopping something from happening
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prevention – zapobieganie
as a result of this action
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thereby – w ten sposób, tym samym
the system of free trade that exists between countries in UE
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internal market – rynek wewnętrzny
act of achieving something
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attainment – osiągnięcie, zdobycie
having no legal authority and therefore unacceptable
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void – niewazny
according to something
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pursuant to – zgodnie z czymś
a change to the intended or true meaning
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71. distortion – zniekształcenie, wypaczenie
a region or contry that buys goods from or sells to
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trading parties - partnerzy biznesowi
a consensual ways of doing something
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73. concerted practices – uzgodniona praktyka
an official limit on something
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restriction – restrykcje, ograniczenia
valuable, important
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substantial – znaczący
to control or influence something directly
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determine – ustalać, określać
to accept something
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adopt – przyjmować
to establish a rule
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laid down – ustanawiać
to have something as a main and necessary part
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consist in – polegać na czymś
to make something come into existance
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entry into force – wejść w życie
an official rule
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regulations – rozporządzenie
to talk or write about something
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referred to in – o którym mowa w
the fact of being considered satisfactory
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admissibility – dopuszczalność
when something is clear and carefully considered
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84. reasoned – uzasadniony, umotywowany
kompetentne władze
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85. competent authorities – kompetentne władze
an official rule which point how something should be done
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directives – dyrektywy
an official request for something
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application – wniosek, podanie
– a method for dealing with a situation
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measures – środki, działania
according to something
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in pursuance of – zgodnie z czymś
without Any damages
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90. Without prejudice to – bez szkody/uszczerbku
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Prejudice – uszczerbek
countries involved in UE
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92. Member States – państwa członkowskie
a court that take care of causes
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the Court of Justice of the European Union - TSUE
the act of obeying a rule
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Compliance – zastosowanie
to keep something for particular purpose
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Earmarked – celowy
person acting
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Behavior – zachowanie, działanie
unacceptable behavior by someone
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Misconduct – źle prowadzić
a set of similar thing
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Range – zakres
to use something in an unsuitable way
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Misuse – nadużycie
the length of time that something lasts
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Duration – czas trwania
influenced by something
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Affected – dotknięty
to prevent something from happening
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Stifle – udaremnić, hamować
to stop something
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Cease – przerwać, zaprzestać
to try to be more successful that someone else
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Compete – konkurować
to force a rule
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Impose – narzucać
damage, injury
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Harm – szkoda, krzywda

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