Plan of a Pompeian house

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Entrance hall
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Main room
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Garden court
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Dining room
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The kitchen
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Pool for rain water
What is the basilica?
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A building used as a law court or a meeting place
What was eaten for lunch?
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Rich people ate meat, fish or fruit and poor people ate bread, vegetable soup or porridge

Where is Pompeii?

Pompeii was an ancient city in Rome, located in Italy, near Naples. It's name comes from the Oscan word for five, probably because five hamlets lived there. Pompeii developed most under the Romans.The city of Pompeii along with many other ancient cities was buried under ash after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius that happened in AD 79. The excavated Pompeii represents the ancient Roman life and architecture. Many old things, including wooden objects, excavators, ustensils remained and speak on the history of Ancient Rome. The Pompeii ruins is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is in the top most visited Italian attractions. Over 2 million people come to see it every year.

Pompeii facts

There were many things discovered in Pompeii. The Thermopolium was a place were people ate fast food, the Macellum was a market were people could buy food and the cauponae were the places of prostitutes and criminals. A gymnasium and a hotel were found, along with two theatres and an amphiteatre. The wine bottles found in Rome were imported from Pompeii because the soil was really fruitful in the city. The objects found in ancient Roman houses from Pompeii were preserved for over 2000 years. The lack of moisture and air helped them remain in the same state, that is why Pompeii is an important source of knowledge about the past.

Plan of a Pompeian house

There is more you can learn about Roman houses thanks to the objects from Pompeii and the preserved architecture. This lesson will introduce you to some Latin words related to the plan of a Pompeian house. The wealthiest people lived in large houses - domus. The plan of a Pompeian house shows that domus were houses wih atriums, central halls with open roofs. The other rooms, according to the plan of a Pompeian house were located around the atrium: the bedroom, the dinning room, the living room and the places were servants stayed. Another thing you can see in the plan of a Pompeian house is that in the centre of the atrium was a pool that collected water from the rain. According to the plan of a Pompeian house, there was also a place where guests were received. You can learn the Latin names of the rooms included in the plan of a Pompeian house with our flashcard. This will be extremely useful and interesting for those who study or are passionate about history. Here are some of the Latin words related to the plan of a Pompeian house:
  • 1. cubiculum
  • 2. triclinum
  • 3. latrina
  • 4. culina
  • 5. impluvium
Learn the vocabulary from the plan of a Pompeian house and continue discovering the history of ancient Rome. Don't forget to repeat these Latin words that are part of a plan of a Pompeian house in order to remember them forever. If you want to learn more things related to history, take a look at this lesson - Historical events quiz.

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