Gmail keyboard shortcuts

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question English réponse English
inbox view
commencer à apprendre
Shift Anglais
select a continuous series of messages
Shift + 8 + u
inbox view
commencer à apprendre
select all unread messages
inbox view
commencer à apprendre
archive selected messages
inbox view
commencer à apprendre
Mark selected messages as important
inbox view
commencer à apprendre
inbox view
commencer à apprendre
Search for messages
conversation view
commencer à apprendre
conversation view
commencer à apprendre
Reply all
conversation view
commencer à apprendre
Shift + U
conversation view
commencer à apprendre
Mark current message as unread
conversation view
commencer à apprendre
Mark selected message as important
conversation view
commencer à apprendre
Archive selected message
conversation view
commencer à apprendre
Jump to the next email
conversation view
commencer à apprendre
Jump to previous email
conversation view
commencer à apprendre
Jump to next message in an email thread
conversation view
commencer à apprendre
Jump to previous message in an email thread
conversation view
commencer à apprendre
Mute a thread
conversation view
commencer à apprendre
Go back to Inbox view
Ctrl + K
compose view
commencer à apprendre
Insert link
Ctrl + Shift + 7
compose view
commencer à apprendre
Insert numbered list
Ctrl + Shift + 8
compose view
commencer à apprendre
Insert bullet points
Ctrl + Enter
compose view
commencer à apprendre
Send email

Why do you need to use Gmail keyboard shortcuts?

The Gmail shortcut keys will save you a lot of time! With their use, you can undo in Gmail or forward in Gmail in a second! Besides, you can mark all as read in Gmail really fast by pressing three buttons. The Gmail shortcuts will make you much more productive, they will help you format text, navigate in messages or complete different actions in a blink of an eye! If you want to find, read or organize the emails - you can do that easily with the keyboard commands. Now you can learn the key shortcuts without using Google Gmail help every time! Use this lesson to learn the shortcuts in a fun way! Master all the key shortcuts and use them next time you need to do something in Gmail!

Learn useful key shortcuts

There are many keyboard commands for different actions. Today we will learn to differentiate them and to use them. If you want to know how to undo in Gmail or how to mark all as read in Gmail, you will learn it right now! Another question that users often have is how to search in Gmail. Many people need to archive in Gmail and they don't know that it can be done simple and fast! You will also learn how to select all in Gmail! The select all command will help you select the unread messages and decide what to do with them. After that, you can archive the selected messages or use another keyboard command to mark them as important, to delete or mark them as read. There are also Gmail shortcuts for the conversation view. They will help you reply or forward a message in seconds. Learn the most important Gmail keyboard shortcuts with VocApp to remember them forever! Interested in more fun lessons - explore our site! Everyone can find something to learn on VocApp!

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