Basic Indonesian phrases

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question réponse
general greeting
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How are you?
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Apa kabar?
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Selamat datang
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commencer à apprendre
All fine, thanks.
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Baik-baik saja, terima kasih.
How about you?
commencer à apprendre
Bagaimana dengan Anda?
Long time no see
commencer à apprendre
Lama tidak berjumpa
What is your name?
commencer à apprendre
Siapa nama Anda?
siapa namamu?(inf)
My name is...
commencer à apprendre
Nama saya...
Where are you from?
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Anda berasal dari mana?
I'm from...
commencer à apprendre
Saya dari...
saya berasal dari...
Pleased to meet you
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Senang bertemu dengan Anda
Good morning
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Selamat pagi
Good afternoon
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Selamat siang
Good evening
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Selamat sore
Good night
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Selamat malam
selamat tidur(said before sleep)
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Selamat tinggal
selamat jalan
Good luck!
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Semoga beruntung!
semoga sukses!
Have a nice day
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Semoga harimu menyenangkan!
Have a nice meal
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Selamat makan
I understand
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Saya mengerti
I don't understand
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Saya tidak mengerti
Please speak more slowly
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Tolong bicara pelan-pelan
Can you please say that again
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Bisakah Anda mengulanginya?
Do you speak English?
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Apakah Anda bisa bicara bahasa Inggris?
How do you say ... in Bahasa Indonesia?
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Bagaimana cara mengatakan ... dalam bahasa Indonesia?
Excuse me
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commencer à apprendre
Maafkan saya
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Thank you
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Terima kasih
You are welcome
replay to thank you
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Where is the toilet/bathroom?
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Di manakah toilet/kamar mandi?
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I miss you
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Saya rindu kamu
I love you
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Saya cinta kamu
saya mencintaimu

About the lesson

Are you interested to learn a language spoken by more than 260 million people? This is the lesson for you. It will teach you how to say basic Indonesian phrases so you could impress native speakers and be ready to express yourself in any situation.

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Advantage of this lesson

After repeating this lesson for at least 2 times you are able to speak with native Indonesian and get their intention ;) another advantage you can take from this lesson is you don’t have to learn a stressful Indonesian grammar.

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