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Myślę/wydaje mi sie, że...
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I think / guess that...
Wygląda na to, że...
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It looks like...
Wydaje mi się, że ona...
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I seems to me that she...
Nie sądzę bym był/a w stanie znieść...
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I don't think I could bear...
Trudno by mi było...
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I would find it hard to...
Możliwe, że to...
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It could possibly be...
Powiedział(a)bym, że...
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I would imagine/say that...
Być może pomyliły/pomylili...
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They might have mistaken...
Nie jest to jasne, ale domyślam się, że...
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It's not clear, but I'd guess that...
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In all probability...
Ze względu na..., myślę, że to prawdopodobnie...
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Because of ..., I think it's probably...

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