Sound 1

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question American English réponse American English
clang means to make a loud ringing sound like that of metal being hit, or to cause something to make this sound
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He clanged a spoon against a glass
He struck the bell with force, and it boomed and clanged in echoes
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He struck the bell with force, and it boomed and clanged in echoes
gurgle means to make a bubbling sound like water flowing over an uneven surface or to make a happy sound with the back of the throat:
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The traveler could hear the sound of the many streams which gurgled down the mountainside.
if a baby gurgles, it makes a noise in its throat when it is happy
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The baby lay gurgling in her cot.
There was also the unpleasant sound of squeaking rats as they chased and fought, and of bats which flew in and out of the place
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There was also the unpleasant sound of squeaking rats as they chased and fought, and of bats which flew in and out of the place
when an owl hoots, it makes a long calling sound
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when an owl hoots, it makes a long calling sound
She hooted her horn at the dog in the road.
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She hooted her horn at the dog in the road.
croak means to make a rough low sound, like the sound a frog makes
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A frog croaked by the water
when a cat purrs, it makes a low continuous sound in the throat, especially when it is happy or comfortable
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The cat was purring contentedly on my lap
If a person or an animal yowls, they make a long loud cry, especially because they are sad or in pain.
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If a person or an animal yowls, they make a long loud cry, especially because they are sad or in pain.

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