Small talk

 0    11 fiche    rafalmusidlak
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Wpadnij w piątek na kawę
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Drop by for coffee on Friday
Ciężko mi jest wyrazić swój pogląd na ten temat po angielsku.
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It's hard for me to express my ideas about this in English.
Jak się miewasz?
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How are you?
Re: I'm well, you?
Nie mogę narzekać
How are you?
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Can't complain
Jak dotąd dobrze
How's your English learning going?
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So far, so good
How are you?
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I'm alive
Jakoś leci
Re: How's it going?
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It's going
Mogłoby być lepiej
Re: How are you?
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Could be better
Nie mogę narzekać
How are you?
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Can't complain
Pogadamy niedługo
Mówione na pożegnanie
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Speak to you soon
Mam to na końcu języka
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It's on the tip of my tongue

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