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question réponse
zagrożone gatunki
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endangered species
zanieczyszczenie wody
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water pollution
skażenie powietrza
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air pollution
układ słoneczny
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solar system
efekt cieplarniany
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greenhouse effect
globalne ocieplenie
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global warming
kwaśne deszcze
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acid rain
paliwo bezołowiowe
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unleaded fuel
sortować śmieci
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sort garbage
niszczyć środowisko
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destroy the environment
chronić dziką przyrodę
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protect wildlife
rzadkie gatunki zwierząt mogą wyginąć w następnym wieku
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rare animal species may become extinct in the next century
produkty przyjazne dla środowiska
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environmentally friendly products
szkodliwe dla środowiska
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harmful to the environment
zbierać śmieci w dniu ziemii
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pick up garbage on earth day
ptaki i ssaki
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birds and mammals
gady i płazy
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reptiles and amphibians
ryby i owady
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fish and insects
zmiana klimatu
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climate change
jaka jest dziś pogoda?
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what's the weather today?
jaka jest prognoza na jutro?
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what is the forecast for tomorrow?
łańcuch górski
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a mountain chain
szczyt góry
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rzeki i jeziora
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rivers and lakes
morza i oceany
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seas and oceans
las deszczowy
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rain forest
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wycinanie drzew
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cutting down trees
katastrofy naturalne
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natural disasters
trzęsienie ziemii
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a drought
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a flood
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a hurricane
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fala tsunami
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tsunami wave
erupcja wulkanu
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volcano eruption
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an avalanche
głód, klęska głodu
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hunger, famine
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wybuch epidemii
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rodzaje pogody
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types of weather
jest gorąco i słonecznie
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it's hot and sunny
słońce świeci
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the sun shines
jest pochmurno i deszczowo
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it is cloudy and rainy
wieje silny wiatr
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strong wind blows
temperatura spadła poniżej zera, więc jest mroźnie
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the temperature has dropped below zero, so it's freezing
jest dosyć ciepło
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it's quite warm
jest mgliście
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it's foggy
mamy dziś burzową pogodę
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we have stormy weather today
promienie ultrafioletowe
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ultraviolet rays

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