Słówka z lekcji (1)

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question réponse
dobry - dobrze
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good - well
The meeting was good. / I didn't sleep well.
mniej więcej
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more or less
I drove for more or less 2 hours.
podpisywać - podpis
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sign - signature
His signature wasn't clear./ I signed 20 documents yesterday.
zapraszać - zaproszenie
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invite - invitation
How many people did you invite?
commencer à apprendre
I didn't listen to her advice.
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We received very good financial conditions.
pilny, nagły
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commencer à apprendre
I didn't participate in the meeting.
brać udział
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to participate
I will take part in this conference.
spóźnić się
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be late
She was late yesterday.
roczny, coroczny
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annually / per year
po pierwsze
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first of all
współpracować / współpraca
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cooperate / cooperation
Czy mam ci pomóc?
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Shall I help you?
okazać się
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turn out
It turned out they bought wrong tickets.

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