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mieć czegoś dość
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be fed up with something
The Warsaw be fed up with endless new demands and delays.
zawieść kogoś
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let down
Let down by a short battery life, about three hours.
zakłopotany, zażenowany
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embarrassed {ɪmˈbærəst}
A parrot can sometimes make you embarrassed.
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cheerful {ˈtʃɪəfəl}
You're in a cheerful mood.
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nod {nɒd}
She could only nod, because her mouth was full.
okrzyk radości, wiwat
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cheer {tʃɪəʳ}
A great cheer went up from the crowd.
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dishonest {dɪsˈɒnɪst}
Never keep company with dishonest persons.
kosz na śmieci
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These old shoes can go in the dustbin now.
rozpłakać się
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burst into tears
She burst into tears and ran from the kitchen.
wychylać się
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leaning out
A man was leaning out of the window.
spięty, nerwowy
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tense {tens}
She sounded tense and angry.

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