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darować, ofiarowywać
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to donate
donate /dəʊˈneɪt; US ˈdəʊn- / verb [transitive] donate sth (to sb/sth) to give money or goods to an organization, especially one for people or animals who need help She donated a large sum of money to Cancer Research. ▶ darować ofiarować
datek, darowizna
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donation /dəʊˈneɪʃn; US / noun [countable] money, etc. that is given to a person or an organization such as a charity, in order to help people or animals in need Would you like to make a small donation to the Red Cross? ▶ datek darowizna
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donkey /ˈdɒŋki; US; / noun [countable] (also ass) an animal like a small horse, with long ears ▶ osioł
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2 a person who gives blood or a part of their own body for medical use a blood donor krwiodawca a kidney donor ▶ daw-ca/czyni
donor /ˈdəʊnə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a person who gives money or goods to an organization that helps people or animals ▶ ofiarodaw-ca/czyni darczyńca
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doodle /ˈdu: dl; US / verb [intransitive] to draw lines, patterns, etc. without thinking, especially when you are bored ▶ kreślić esy-floresy □ doodle noun [countable] ▶ esy-floresy
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□ doomed /; US / adj. The plan was doomed from the start. a doomed love affair ▶ skazany na niepowodzenie przesądzony
doom /du: m; US / noun [uncou] death or a terrible event in the future which you cannot avoid a sense of impending doom Don’t listen to her. She’s always full of doom and gloom. a sense of doom przeczucie katastrofy ▶ przeznaczenie zatracenie
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a door
2 the entrance to a building, room, car, etc. I looked through the door and saw her sitting there. ▶ drzwi
door /dɔ:(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a piece of wood, glass, etc. that you open and close to get in or out of a room, building to open/shut/close the door Please don’t slam the door. the front/back door the kitchen door the fridge door ▶ drzwi
dzwonek u drzwi
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doorbell /ˈdɔ: bel; US / noun [countable] a bell on the outside of a house which you ring when you want to go in ▶ dzwonek (u drzwi)
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doorman /ˈdɔ: mən; US / noun [countable] (pl. -men /-mən; US /) a man, often in uniform, whose job is to stand at the entrance to a large building such as a hotel or a theatre, and open the door for visitors, find them taxis, etc. ▶ odźwierny
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2(informal) a person who allows other people to treat them badly without complaining ▶ popychadło
doormat /ˈdɔ: mæt; US / noun [countable] 1 a piece of material on the floor in front of a door which you can clean your shoes on before going inside ▶ wycieraczka
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doorstep /ˈdɔ: step; US / noun [countable] a step in front of a door outside a building ▶ próg
wejście, drzwi
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doorway /ˈdɔ: weɪ; US / noun [countable] an opening filled by a door leading into a building, room, etc. She was standing in the doorway. ▶ wejście drzwi
narkotyk, trawka
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dope1 /dəʊp; US / noun (informal) 1[uncountable] an illegal drug, such as cannabis ▶ narkotyk (zwł. marihuana) trawka 2[countable] a stupid person What a dope! ▶ głupek tępak
odurzać podstępnie
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dope2 /dəʊp; US / verb [transitive] to give a drug secretly to a person or an animal, especially to make them sleep ▶ odurzać (podstępnie)
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a dormitory
dormitory /ˈdɔ: mətri; US -tɔ: ri / noun [countable] (pl. dormitories) (also dorm /dɔ: m; US /) 1 a large bedroom with a number of beds in it, especially in a school, etc. ▶ sala sypialna 2 (US) = hall of residence
uśpiony, nieaktywny
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dormant /ˈdɔ: mənt; US / adj. not active for some time a dormant (drzemiący) volcano ▶ uśpiony będący w zawieszeniu nieaktywny
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dosage /ˈdəʊsɪdʒ; US / noun [countable, usually sing.] the amount of a medicine you should take over a period of time The recommended dosage is one tablet every four hours. ▶ dawkowanie
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a dose
2 an amount of sth, especially sth unpleasant a dose of the flu atak grypy I can only stand him in small doses. ▶ dawka
dose1 /dəʊs; US / noun [countable] 1 an amount of medicine that you take at one time You should take a large dose of this cough medicine before going to bed. Do not exceed the stated dose. ▶ dawka ⇨ look at overdose
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dose2 /dəʊs; US / verb [transitive] to give sb/yourself a medicine or drug She dosed herself with aspirin and went to work. He was heavily dosed (był naszpikowany) with painkillers. ▶ podawać/brać (lekarstwo) dawkować
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dot1 /dɒt; US / noun [countable] 1 a small, round mark, like a full stop The letters i and j have dots above them. a white dress with black dots (w czarne groszki) ▶ kropka
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dot2 /dɒt; US / verb [transitive] (dotting; dotted) [usually passive] to mark with a dot ▶ kropkować
sklep internetowy
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dot-com (also dotcom) /ˌdɒt ˈkɒm; US / noun [countable] a company that sells products and services on the Internet The weaker dot-coms have collapsed. a dot-com millionaire ▶ sklep internetowy
linia kropkowana
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dotted line
dotted ˈline noun [countable] a line of dots which show where sth is to be written on a form, etc. Sign on the dotted line. ▶ linia kropkowana
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2 having two equal or similar parts double doors Does ‘ necessary’ have (a) double ‘ s’? My phone number is two four double 0 (zero zero) four. ▶ podwójny 3 made for or used by two people or things a double garage ▶ podwójny ⇨ note at bed1
double1 /ˈdʌbl; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 twice as much or as many (as usual) a double helping of ice cream ▶ podwójny
dwa razy więcej
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double2 /ˈdʌbl; US / determiner twice as much or as many (as usual) His income is double his wife’s. We’ll need double the amount of wine. ▶ dwa razy tyle/więcej
podwójna kwota
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4[countable] an actor who replaces another actor in a film to do dangerous or other special things ▶ dubler/ka 5[countable] = double room 6(doubles) [pl.] (in some sports, for example tennis) with two pairs playing the Men’s Doubles final ▶ debel
double4 /ˈdʌbl/ noun 1 [unc] twice the (usual) number or amount When you work overtime, you get paid double. ▶ podwójna stawka/kwota 2[countable] a glass of strong alcoholic drink containing twice the usual amount ▶ podwójna porcja (alkoholu)
podwajać się
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2[intransitive] double (up) as sth to have a second use or function The small room doubles (up) as a study. ▶ być używanym także jako coś
double5 /ˈdʌbl; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to become or to make sth twice as much or as many; to multiply by two The price of houses has almost doubled. Think of a number and double it. ▶ podwajać (się)
podwójny agent
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double agent
ˌdouble ˈagent noun [countable] a person who spies for two rival countries at the same time ▶ podwójny agent
łóżko dwuosobowe
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double bed
ˌdouble ˈbed noun [countable] a bed made for two people ▶ łóżko dwuosobowe ⇨ look at single, twin
sprawdzać ponownie
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ˌdouble-ˈcheck verb [intransitive, transitive] to check sth again, or with great care ▶ sprawdzać ponownie/dokładnie
podwójny podbródek
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a double chin
ˌdouble ˈchin noun [countable] a fold of fat under a person’s chin, that looks like another chin ▶ podwójny podbródek
dwulicowa osoba
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ˌdouble-ˈdealer noun [countable] a dishonest person who cheats other people ▶ dwulicowa osoba □ ˌdouble-ˈdealing noun [uncountable] ▶ podwójna gra dwulicowość
autobus dwupiętrowy
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double decker bus
ˌdouble-ˈdecker noun [countable] a bus with two floors ▶ autobus piętrowy
liczba dwucyfrowa
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double figures
ˌdouble ˈfigures noun [uncountable] a number that is more than nine Inflation is in double figures (przekroczyła już 10 procent). ▶ liczba większa od 10
podwójne szyby w oknach
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double glazing
ˌdouble ˈglazing noun [uncountable] two layers of glass in a window to keep a building warm or quiet ▶ podwójne szyby w oknach □ ˌdouble-ˈglazed adj. ▶ (okno itp.) z podwójną szybą
parkować na drugiego
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I’ll have to rush – I’m double-parked. ▶ parkować na drugiego
ˌdouble-ˈpark verb [intransitive, transitive] [usually passive] to park a car or other vehicle beside one that is already parked in a street A red sports car stood double-parked almost in the middle of the road.
pokój dwuosobowy
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a double room
ˌdouble ˈroom (also double) noun [countable] a bedroom for two people ▶ pokój dwuosobowy ⇨ look at single
dwukrotnie, podwójnie
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doubly /ˈdʌbli; US / adv. 1 more than usually Pete made doubly sure that the door was locked. ▶ dwukrotnie 2 in two ways He was doubly blessed with both good looks and talent. ▶ podwójnie
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There was some doubt as to whether she was the right person for the job. ▶ wątpliwość wątpienie
doubt1 /daʊt / noun [countable, uncountable] doubt (about sth); doubt that ...; doubt as to sth a feeling of being uncertain about sth If you have any doubts about the job, ring me and discuss them. There’s some doubt that Jan will pass the exam.
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to doubt
doubt2 /daʊt / verb [tran] to think sth is unlikely or to feel uncertain about sth She never doubted that he was telling the truth. I doubt whether/if I’ll have time to go to the shops today. He had never doubted her support. ▶ wątpić (w coś/o czymś
wątpliwy, niepewny
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doubtful, uncertain
2 unlikely or uncertain It’s doubtful whether/if we’ll finish in time. It was doubtful that he was still alive. ▶ wątpliwy □ doubtfully /-fəli; US / adv. ‘ I suppose it’ll be all right,’ she said doubtfully. ▶ niepewnie
doubtful /ˈdaʊtfl; US / adj. 1 doubtful (about sth/about doing sth) (used about a person) not sure John still felt doubtful about his decision. ▶ niepewny
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doubtless /ˈdaʊtləs; US / adv. almost certainly Doubtless she’ll have a good excuse for being late! ▶ niewątpliwie
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dough /dəʊ; US / noun [uncountable] 1 a mixture of flour, water, etc. used for baking into bread, etc. ▶ ciasto 2(slang) money ▶ forsa kasa
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a doughnut
doughnut (US donut) /ˈdəʊnʌt; US / noun [countable] a small cake in the shape of a ball or a ring, made from a sweet dough cooked in very hot oil ▶ pączek
gołąb pokoju
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dove of peace
dove1 /dʌv; US / noun [countable] a type of white bird, often used as a sign of peace ▶ gołąb (biały)
na dole
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Her hair hung down her back. Jej włosy opadały na plecy. We watched the sun go down. Patrzyliśmy na zachód słońca. ▶ na dół/dole
1 to or at a lower level or place; from the top towards the bottom of sth ‘ Where’s Mary?’ ‘ She’s down in the basement.’ The rain was running down (spływał po) the window. The snow began to slide down the mountain. Śnieg zaczął się zsuwać z góry.
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2 (used about computers) not working I can’t access the file as our computers have been down all morning. ▶ nie działający niesprawny 3 lower than before Unemployment figures are down again this month. ▶ niższy
down3 /daʊn; US / adj. 1 sad You’re looking a bit down today. ▶ smutny przygnębiony
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down4 /daʊn; US / noun [uncountable] very soft feathers a duvet filled with duck down ▶ puch
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downfall /ˈdaʊnfɔ: l; US / noun [sing.] 1 a loss of power or success The government’s downfall seemed inevitable. ▶ upadek 2 a thing that causes a loss of power or success Greed was her downfall. ▶ ruina
przenosić na niższy poziom
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downgrade /ˌdaʊnˈɡreɪd/ verb [transitive] downgrade sb/sth (from sth) (to sth) to reduce sb/sth to a lower level or position of importance Tom’s been downgraded from manager to assistant manager. ▶ przenosić na niższy poziom obniżyć (rangę, kategorię
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downhearted /ˌdaʊnˈhɑ: tɪd; US / adj. [not before a noun] sad ▶ przybity przygnębiony
na dół
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downhill /ˌdaʊnˈhɪl; US / adv. (going) downwards; towards the bottom of a hill It’s an easy walk. The road runs downhill most of the way. ▶ w/na dół
sciągać (np plik)
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□ download /ˈdaʊnləʊd; US / noun [countable] ▶ ściągnięt-a/y muzyka/film itp. z internetu —downloadable /ˌdaʊnˈləʊdəbl; US / adj. ▶ (muzyka, film itp.) do ściągnięcia z internetu
download /ˌdaʊnˈləʊd; US / verb [transitive] to copy a computer file, etc. from a large computer system to a smaller one ▶ ściągać (np. muzykę, filmy z internetu)  OPPOSITE  upload
zaliczka, przedpłata
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down payment
ˌdown ˈpayment noun [countable] a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment We are saving for a down payment on a house. ▶ zaliczka pierwsza rata przedpłata
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downpour /ˈdaʊnpɔ:(r); US / noun [countable] a heavy, sudden fall of rain ▶ ulewa
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downright /ˈdaʊnraɪt; US / adj. [only before a noun] (used about sth bad or unpleasant) complete The holiday was a downright disaster. ▶ całkowity □ downright adv. The way he spoke to me was downright rude! ▶ całkowicie
negatywna strona
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downside /ˈdaʊnsaɪd; US / noun [countable, usually sing.] the disadvantages or negative aspects of sth All good ideas have a downside. ▶ zła/negatywna strona
redukować zatrudnienie
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downsize /ˈdaʊnsaɪz/ verb [intran, trans] to reduce the number of people who work in a company, business, etc. in order to reduce costs ▶ redukować zatrudnienie ⇨ note at cut □ downsizing /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ redukcja zatrudnienia
zespół downa
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down syndrome
Down’s syndrome /ˈdaʊnz sɪndrəʊm; US / (US usually Down syndrome) noun [uncountable] a condition that a person is born with. People with this condition have a flat, wide face and lower than average intelligence. ▶ zespół Downa
w dół (schodami)
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downstairs /ˌdaʊnˈsteəz; US / adv. 1 down the stairs He fell downstairs and broke his arm. ▶ w dół (schodami) ze schodów 2 on or to the ground floor or a lower floor Dad’s downstairs, in the kitchen. ▶ na/w dół na dole
w dół rzeki
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downstream /ˌdaʊnˈstri: m; US / adv. in the direction in which a river flows We were rowing downstream. ▶ w dół rzeki z prądem  OPPOSITE  upstream
w centrum miasta
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downtown /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn; US / adv. (especially US) in or towards the centre of a city, especially its main business area to go/work downtown ▶ do/w centrum miasta do miasta w mieście do/w śródmieści-a/u
spadek, zmniejszenie
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downturn /ˈdaʊntɜ: n; US / noun [usually sing.] a downturn (in sth) a drop in the amount of business that is done; a time when the economy becomes weaker a downturn in sales/trade/business ▶ spadek zmniejszenie  OPPOSITE  upturn
na dół
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□ downwards /ˈdaʊnwədz; US / adv. She laid the picture face downwards on the table. ▶ na/w dół  OPPOSITE  upwards
downward /ˈdaʊnwəd; US / adj. [only before a noun] towards the ground or a lower level a downward movement a downward trend (tendencja spadkowa) in house prices ▶ w/na dół  OPPOSITE  upward
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dowry /ˈdaʊri; US / noun [countable] (pl. dowries) an amount of money or property which, in some countries, a woman’s family gives to the man she is marrying ▶ posag
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doze /dəʊz; US / verb [intransitive] to sleep lightly and/or for a short time He was dozing in front of the TV. ▶ drzemać □ doze noun [sing.] ▶ drzemka
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dozen /ˈdʌzn; US / noun [countable] (abbr. doz.) (pl. dozen) twelve or a group of twelve A dozen eggs, please. half a dozen two dozen sheep ▶ tuzin
śpiący, roztargniony
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dozy /ˈdəʊzi; US / adj. 1 wanting to sleep; not feeling awake The wine had made her rather dozy. ▶ śpiący 2(Brit., informal) stupid: not intelligent You dozy thing (ty głupku) – look what you’ve done! ▶ roztargniony głupawy
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draconian /drəˈkəʊniən; US / adj. (formal) (used about a law, punishment, etc.) extremely cruel and severe a call for draconian measures against drug-related crime ▶ drakoński (prawo itp.) surowy (kara itp.) bezwzględny
zarys, brudnopis, szkic
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2 a written order to a bank to pay money to sb All payments must be made by bank draft. ▶ przelew 3 (US) = draught1 (1)
draft1 /drɑ: ft; US dræft / noun [countable] 1 a piece of writing, etc. which will probably be changed and improved; not the final version the first draft of a speech/essay ▶ zarys brudnopis szkic
pisać na brudno
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2[usually passive] (US) to force sb to join the armed forces He was drafted into (został powołany do) the army. ▶ przeprowadzać pobór (do wojska)
draft2 /drɑ: ft; US dræft / verb [transitive] 1 to make a first or early copy of a piece of writing I’ll draft a letter and show it to you before I type it. ▶ pisać na brudno
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2[transitive] to make sb come or go somewhere She’s always trying to drag me along to museums. Can I drag you away from the television? ▶ wlec 3[intransitive] drag (on) to be boring to last a long time The speeches dragged on for hours. ▶ przeciągać się
drag1 /dræɡ; US / verb (dragging; dragged) 1[transitive] to pull sb/sth along with difficulty The box was so heavy we had to drag it along the floor. ▶ ciągnąć wlec
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dragon /ˈdræɡən; US / noun [countable] (in stories) a large animal with wings, which can breathe fire ▶ smok
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dragonfly /ˈdræɡənflaɪ; US / noun [countable] (pl. dragonflies) an insect with a long thin body and a pair of wings, often seen near water ▶ ważka
odwadniać się
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2[intransitive, transitive] drain (sth) (from/out of sth); drain (sth) (away/off) The sink’s blocked – the water won’t drain away at all. The plumber had to drain the water from the heating system. ▶ odprowadzać wodę, odpływać
1 [int., tran.] to become empty or dry as liquid flows away and disappears; The whole area will have to be drained before it can be used for farming. Drain the pasta (odcedź makaron) and add the sauce. ▶ odwadniać (się)
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4[transitive] drain sb/sth (of sth) to make sb/sth weaker, poorer, etc. by slowly using all the strength, money, etc. available Her hospital expenses were slowly draining my funds. The experience left her emotionally drained. ▶ osłabiać zużywać
3[transitive] to drink all the liquid in a glass, cup, etc. He drained his glass in one gulp. ▶ wypić do dna
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drain2 /dreɪn; US / noun [countable] a pipe or hole in the ground that dirty water, etc. goes down to be carried away The drain outside the kitchen is blocked. ▶ ściek
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drainage /ˈdreɪnɪdʒ; US / noun [uncountable] a system used for making water, etc. flow away from a place ▶ kanalizacja
suszarka do naczyń
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draining board
ˈdraining board noun [countable] the place in the kitchen where you put plates, cups, knives, etc. to dry after washing them ▶ suszarka do naczyń
rynna odpływowa
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drainpipe /ˈdreɪnpaɪp; US / noun [countable] a pipe which goes down the side of a building and carries water from the roof into a drain ▶ rynna odpływowa
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drake /dreɪk; US / noun [countable] a male duck ▶ kaczor ⇨ note at duck
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2 [uncountable] plays as a form of writing; the performance of plays He wrote some drama, as well as poetry. a drama student/critic drama school ▶ sztuka dramatyczna
drama /ˈdrɑ: mə; US / noun 1 [countable] a play for the theatre, radio or TV a contemporary drama ▶ dramat sztuka teatralna przedstawienie radiowe/telewizyjne
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3 connected with plays or the theatre Shakespeare’s dramatic works ▶ dramatyczny 4 (used about a person, sb’s behaviour, etc.) showing feelings, Calm down. There’s no need to be so dramatic about everything! ▶ dramatyczny
dramatic /drəˈmætɪk / adj. 1 noticeable or sudden and often surprising a dramatic change/increase/fall/improvement ▶ nagły gwałtowny dramatyczny radykalny 2 exciting or impressive the film’s dramatic opening scene ▶ dramatyczny
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□ dramatically /-kli; US / adv. ‘ I can’t go on,’ she said dramatically. ▶ dramatycznie
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□ drastically /-kli; US / adv. House prices have fallen drastically over the last two years. ▶ drastycznie ostro
drastic /ˈdræstɪk; US / adj. extreme, and having a sudden very strong effect The situation requires drastic action. a drastic rise in crime ▶ drastyczny ostry
przeciąg, warcaby
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draft, checkers
2 (draughts) (US checkers /ˈtʃekəz; US /) [uncountable] a game for two players that you play on a black and white board using round black and white pieces ▶ warcaby □ draughty /; US / adj. a large, draughty old house ▶ z przeciągami
draught1 /drɑ: ft; US / noun 1 (US draft) [countable] a flow of cold air that comes into a room Can you shut the door? There’s a draught in here. ▶ przeciąg
beczkowy, z beczki
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draught2 /drɑ: ft; US / adj. (used about beer, etc.) served from a barrel rather than a bottle draught beer ▶ (piwo) beczkowy z beczki
rysować, pociągnąć
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draw, pull
2[transitive] to pull sth/sb into a new position or in the direction mentioned She drew the letter out of her pocket and handed it to me. The cowboy drew his gun (wyciągnął broń) The carriage was drawn by six horses. ▶ pociągać zasłaniać
draw1 /drɔ:/ (past tense drew /dru:; US /, past participle drawn /drɔ: n; US /) 1[intransitive, transitive] to make a picture or diagram of sth with a pencil, pen, etc. but not paint I’m good at painting but I can’t draw. ▶ rysować szkicować
uzyskać, odjeżdzać
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4[transitive] draw sth (from sb/sth) to get or take sth from sb/sth He draws the inspiration for his stories from his family. Inspirację do pisania powieści czerpie ze swojej rodziny. This information has been drawn from a number of sources. ▶ uzyskać
3[intransitive] to move in the direction mentioned The train drew into the station I became more anxious as my exams drew nearer (zbliżały się egzaminy). ▶ przyjeżdżać/odjeżdżać wyruszać (z)
przyciągać, wyciągać
Zawsze pociągali ją starsi mężczyźni.
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attract, draw
6[transitive] draw sth (from sth) to learn or decide sth as a result of study, research or experience Can we draw any conclusions from this survey? There are important lessons to be drawn from this tragedy. ▶ wyciągać
5[transitive] draw sth (from sb); draw sb (to sb/sth) The advertisement has drawn criticism from people all over the country. The musicians drew quite a large crowd. She had always been drawn to older men. ▶ przyciągać
losowanie, remis
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draw, draw
2 a result of a game or competition in which both players or teams get the same score so that neither of them wins The match ended in a draw. ▶ remis
draw2 /drɔ:; US / noun [countable] 1 an act of deciding sth by chance by pulling out names or numbers from a bag, etc. All the teams will be hoping to avoid Milan in today’s draw for the cup. a prize draw ▶ losowanie
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drawback /ˈdrɔ: bæk; US / noun [countable] a disadvantage or problem His lack of experience is a major drawback. ▶ wada  SYNONYM  disadvantage
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drawer /drɔ:(r); US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW a container which forms part of a piece of furniture such as a desk, that you can pull out to put things in There’s some paper in the top drawer of my desk. ▶ szuflada
rysunek, rysowanie
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drawing, drawing
2[uncountable] the art of drawing pictures She’s good at drawing and painting. ▶ rysowanie
drawing /ˈdrɔ:ɪŋ; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable] a picture made with a pencil, pen, etc. but not paint He did a drawing of the building. ▶ rysunek ⇨ note at painting
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drawing pin
ˈdrawing pin (US thumbtack /ˈɵʌmtæk; US /) noun [countable] a short pin with a flat top, used for fastening paper, etc. to a board or wall ▶ pinezka pluskiewka
przeciągający się
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ˌdrawn-ˈout adj. lasting longer than necessary long drawn-out negotiations ▶ przeciągający się przewlekły ciągnący się
sznurek do zaciągania
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drawstring /ˈdrɔ: strɪŋ; US / noun [countable] a piece of string that is sewn inside the material at the top of a bag, pair of trousers, etc. that can be pulled tighter in order to make the opening smaller ▶ sznurek/tasiemka do ściagania
lękać się
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□ dreaded /; US / adj. the most dreaded disease of all ▶ straszny
dread1 /dred; US / verb [transitive] to be very afraid of or worried about sth I’m dreading the exams. She dreaded having to tell him what had happened. I dread to think (boję się pomyśleć) what my father will say. ▶ lękać się
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dread2 /dred; US / noun [uncountable, sing.] great fear He lived in dread of the same thing happening to him. Żył w ciągłym strachu, że ta sama rzecz znowu mu się nie przydarzy. a secret dread of what might happen ▶ strach
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dreadful /ˈdredfl; US / adj. very bad or unpleasant We had a dreadful journey – traffic jams all the way! What a dreadful man! I’m afraid there’s been a dreadful mistake. ▶ okropny  SYNONYM  terrible ⇨ note at bad
strasznie, okropnie
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dreadfully /ˈdredfəli; US / adv. 1 very; extremely I’m dreadfully sorry – I didn’t mean to upset you. ▶ strasznie 2 very badly The party went dreadfully (przyjęcie było okropne) and everyone left early. ▶ okropnie
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dreadlocks /ˈdredlɒks; US / noun [pl.] hair worn in long thick pieces, especially by some black people ▶ dredy
marzenie, sen
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dream, dream
something that you want very much to happen, although it is not likely His dream was to give up his job and live in the country. My dream house would have a huge garden Becoming a professional dancer was a dream come true for Nicola ▶ marzenie
dream1 /dri: m/ 1[countable] a series of events or pictures which happen in your mind while you are asleep I had a strange dream last night. In my dream I was flying a helicopter. That horror film has given me bad dreams. ▶ sen
marzyć, śnić
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2[intransitive] dream (about/of sth/doing sth) to imagine sth that you would like to happen I’ve always dreamt about winning lots of money. ▶ marzyć
1[intransitive, transitive] dream (about sb/sth) to see or experience pictures and events in your mind while you are asleep I dreamt about the house that I lived in as a child. I dreamed that I was running but I couldn’t get away. ▶ śnić (się)
marzyciel, marzycielka
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dreamer, dreamer
dreamer /ˈdri: mə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who thinks a lot about ideas, plans, etc. which may never happen instead of thinking about real life ▶ marzyciel/ka
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dreamy /ˈdri: mi; US / adj. (dreamier; dreamiest) looking as though you are not paying attention to what you are doing because you are thinking about sth else a dreamy look/expression ▶ marzycielski □ dreamily /; US / adv. ▶ marzycielsko
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dredger /ˈdredʒə(r); US / noun [countable] a boat or machine that is used to clear mud, etc. from the bottom of a river, or to make the river wider ▶ pogłębiarka
osad, fusy
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2 the worst and most useless part of sth These people were regarded as the dregs of society. ▶ męty
dregs /dreɡz; US / noun [pl.] 1 the last drops in a container of liquid, containing small pieces of solid waste ‘ Is there any wine left in that bottle?’ ‘ Only the dregs.’ ▶ osad fusy
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drench /drentʃ; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] to make sb/sth completely wet We got drenched (przemokliśmy) in the storm. ▶ przemaczać
suknia, ubiór
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2[uncountable] clothes for either men or women formal/casual dress He was wearing Bulgarian national dress (strój narodowy). ▶ ubiór ubranie
dress1 /dres; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 [countable] a piece of clothing worn by a girl or a woman. It covers the body from the shoulders to the legs, sometimes reaching to below the knees or to the ankles a wedding dress ▶ suknia
ubierać się
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to get dressed
2[intransitive] to put or have clothes on, in the way or style mentioned to dress well/badly/casually to be well dressed/badly dressed/casually dressed ▶ ubierać się
dress2 /dres/ to put clothes on sb or yourself If you don’t get dressed soon, we’ll be late. My husband dressed the children while I got breakfast ready. Hurry up! Aren’t you dressed yet? ▶ ubierać (się) Powszechnie mówi się get dressed, a nie dress.
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dresser /ˈdresə(r); US / noun [coun] 1 (especially Brit.) a piece of furniture with cupboards at the bottom and shelves above. It is used for holding dishes, cups ▶ kredens 2 (US) a chest of drawers, usually with a mirror on top ▶ toaletka
opatrunek, sos
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2[countable] a covering that you put on a part of sb’s body that has been hurt to protect it and keep it clean ▶ opatrunek 3[uncountable] the act or action of putting on clothes ▶ ubieranie (się)
dressing /ˈdresɪŋ; US / noun 1 [countable, uncountable] a sauce for food, especially for salads ▶ sos sałatkowy
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a dressing gown
dressing gown (also bathrobe /ˈbɑ:ɵrəʊb; US ˈbæɵ- /US robe) noun [countable] a piece of clothing like a loose coat with a belt, which you wear before or after a bath, before you get dressed in the morning, etc. ▶ szlafrok
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a dressing table
ˈdressing table noun [countable] a piece of furniture in a bedroom, which has drawers and a mirror ▶ toaletka
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a dressmaker
dressmaker /ˈdresmeɪke(r); US / noun [countable] a person, especially a woman, who makes women’s clothes ▶ krawcowa □ dressmaking /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ krawiectwo
próba generalna
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dress rehearsal
The earlier protests had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution. ▶ (i przen.) próba generalna
ˌdress reˈhearsal noun [countable] the final practice of a play in the theatre, using the clothes and lights that will be used for the real performance: (figurative)
ślinić się, sączyć
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The paint dribbled slowly down the side of the pot. ▶ kapać sączyć (się) 3[intransitive] (used in ball games) to make a ball move forward by using many short kicks or hits Ronaldo dribbled round the goalkeeper and scored. ▶ dryblować
dribble /ˈdrɪbl; US / verb 1 [intransitive] to allow saliva to run out of the mouth Small children often dribble. ▶ ślinić się 2[intransitive, transitive] (used about a liquid) to move downwards in a thin flow; to make a liquid move in this way
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dried2 /draɪd; US / adj. (used about food) with all the liquid removed from it dried milk/fruit ▶ suszony (mleko itp.) w proszku
zaspa, wątek
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3[sing.] the general meaning of sth I don’t understand all the details of the plan but I get the drift (rozumiem, o co chodzi). ▶ wątek ogólny sens
drift1 /drɪft; US / noun 1 [countable] a slow movement towards sth the country’s drift into economic decline ▶ tendencja dążenie 2[countable] a pile of snow or sand that was made by wind or water ▶ zaspa ławica (piasku)
chodzić bez celu, dryfować
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2 (used about snow or sand) to be moved into piles by wind or water The snow drifted up to two metres deep in some places. 3 to be carried or moved along by wind or water The boat drifted out to sea. ▶ być unoszonym z prądem dryfować
drift2 /drɪft; US / verb [intransitive] 1 to move slowly or without any particular purpose He drifted from room to room. She drifted into acting (została aktorką) almost by accident. ▶ chodzić bez celu dryfować
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3[countable, uncountable] practice for what you should do in an emergency a fire drill ▶ próbny alarm ćwiczenie 4[uncountable] exercise in marching, etc. that soldiers do ▶ musztra
drill1 /drɪl; US / noun 1 [countable] a tool or machine that is used for making holes in things a dentist’s drill ▶ wiertarka wiertło 2[countable] something that you repeat many times in order to learn sth ▶ ćwiczenie formułka dryl (językowy)
wiercić, ćwiczyć
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drill2 /drɪl; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] 1 to make a hole in sth with a drill to drill a hole in something to drill for oil ▶ wiercić 2[transitive] to teach sb by making them repeat sth many times ▶ ćwiczyć musztrować
alkohol, napój
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alcohol, drink
2 alcoholic drink He’s got a drink problem. Ma problem z alkoholem. the link between drink and violence Shall we go for a drink? Pójdziemy na drinka? a strong drink ▶ alkohol trunek
drink1 /drɪŋk; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 liquid for drinking Can I have a drink (coś do picia) please? soft drinks napoje bezalkoholowe food and drink a drink of milk kubek mleka ▶ napój
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to drink
2[int, tra] to drink alcohol I never drink and drive (nigdy nie piję alkoholu, kiedy prowadzę samochód) so I’ll have an orange juice. What do you drink – beer or wine? Her father used to drink heavily (pił dużo) but he’s teetotal now. ▶ pić (alkohol)
drink2 /drɪŋk/ (past tense drank /dræŋk; US /, past participle drunk /drʌŋk; US /) 1[intransitive, transitive] to take liquid into your body through your mouth Would you like anything to drink? We sat drinking coffee and chatting for hours ▶ pić
pijany kierowca
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drink driver
□ drink-driving /; US / noun [uncountable] He was convicted of drink-driving and was banned for two years. ▶ jazda samochodem po pijanemu ⇨ note at driving
ˌdrink-ˈdriver (also ˌdrunk-ˈdriver) noun [countable] a person who drives after drinking too much alcohol ▶ pijany kierowca
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drinker /ˈdrɪŋkə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who drinks a lot of sth, especially alcohol I’m not a big coffee drinker. a heavy (nałogowy) drinker ▶ pija-k/czka
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drinking /ˈdrɪŋkɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] drinking alcohol Her drinking became a problem. ▶ picie (alkoholu) pijaństwo
woda pitna
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drink water
ˈdrinking water noun [uncountable] water that is safe to drink ▶ woda pitna
kapanie, kropla
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3[countable] a piece of medical equipment, like a tube, that is used for putting liquid food or medicine straight into sb’s blood She’s on a drip (leży pod kroplówką). ▶ kroplówka
drip2 /drɪp; US / noun 1 [sing.] the act or sound of water dripping the drip of a leaky tap ▶ kapanie 2[countable] a drop of water that falls down from sb/sth We put a bucket under the hole in the roof to catch the drips. ▶ kropla
odżywiać dożylnie
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ˈdrip-feed verb [transitive] (drip-fed; drip-fed) to give sb sth in separate small amounts ▶ (po)dawać coś komuś w małych ilościach odżywiać dożylnie/pozajelitowo
prowadzić, jeździć samochodem
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drive, drive a car
2[intransitive, transitive] to go or take sb somewhere in a car, etc. I usually drive to work. We drove Maki to the airport. ▶ jeździć samochodem wozić
drive1 /draɪv; US / verb (past tense drove /drəʊv; US /, past participle driven /ˈdrɪvn; US /) 1[intransitive, transitive] to control or operate a car, train, bus, etc. Can you drive? to drive a car/train/bus/lorry ▶ prowadzić
napędzać, doprowadzić do czegoś
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4[transitive] to cause sb to be in a particular state or to do sth His constant stupid questions drive me mad. to drive somebody to despair His loneliness drove him to commit suicide. ▶ doprowadzać do czegoś
3[transitive] to make a machine work, by giving it power What drives the wheels in this engine? ▶ napędzać 5[transitive] to make sb/sth work very hard You shouldn’t drive yourself so hard. ▶ zamęczać
zaganiać, wbijać
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7[transitive] to force sth into a particular position by hitting it to drive a post into the ground From the tee, he drove the ball (posłał piłkę) into some trees. ▶ wbijać
6[transitive] to force people or animals to move in a particular direction The dogs drove the sheep into the field. ▶ zaganiać kierować
napęd, przejażdżka
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2[uncountable] the equipment in a vehicle that takes power from the engine to the wheels a car with four-wheel drive Almost all cars in Britain are left-hand drive (mają kierownicę po lewej stronie). ▶ napęd
drive2 /draɪv; US / noun 1 [countable] a journey in a car The supermarket is only a five-minute drive away. Let’s go for a drive. ▶ jazda przejażdżka
podjazd, kampania
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5[uncountable] the energy and determination you need to succeed in doing sth You need lots of drive to run your own company. ▶ energia zapał
3[countable] a wide path or short road that leads to the door of a house We keep our car on the drive. ▶ podjazd 4[countable] a big effort by a group of people in order to achieve sth The company is launching a big sales drive. ▶ kampania
motywacja, silne uderzenie
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8 [coun] the part of a computer that reads and stores information a CD drive a 10 GB hard drive (twardy dysk) ▶ napęd stacja (dysków) ⇨ look at disk drive 9[countable] a street, usually where people live They live at 23 Woodlands Drive. ▶ ulica
6[countable, uncountable] a strong natural need or desire a strong sex drive (popęd) ▶ dążność motywacja 7 [countable] a long hard hit This player has the longest drive in golf. ▶ silne uderzenie
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a driver
driver /ˈdraɪvə(r); US / noun [countable] ⇨ a person who drives a vehicle a bus/train driver ▶ kierowca
prawo jazdy
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driving licence
ˈdriving licence (US ˈdriver’s license) noun [countable] an official document that shows that you are allowed to drive ▶ prawo jazdy
egzamin na prawo
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driving test
driving test (also ˈdriver’s test; ˈroad test) noun [countable] a test that must be passed before you are qualified to drive a car, etc. ▶ egzamin na prawo jazdy
jazda samochodem
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driving a car
driving1 /ˈdraɪvɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] the action or skill of controlling a car, etc. She was arrested for dangerous driving. Joe’s having driving lessons. She works as a driving instructor. a driving school ▶ jazda (samochodem)
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driving2 /ˈdraɪvɪŋ; US / adj. [only before a noun] very strong driving ambition Who’s the driving force behind this plan? driving (zacinający) rain ▶ napędowy
prawo jazdy
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driving licence
ˈdriving licence (US ˈdriver’s license) noun [countable] an official document that shows that you are allowed to drive ▶ prawo jazdy
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drizzle /ˈdrɪzl; US / noun [uncountable] light rain with very small drops A cloudy day with rain or drizzle is expected. ▶ mżawka □ drizzle verb [intransitive] ▶ mżyć ⇨ note at weather

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