sleepless nights

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question réponse
Łatwo zasypiam
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I fall asleep easily
Byłam całkowicie rozbudzona
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I was wide awake
Spała twardym snem
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She was fast asleep
Mój mąż chrapie
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My husband snores
Mam problemy ze snem
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I have trouble sleeping
On ma bezsenność
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He has insomnia
mam lekki sen
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I'm a light sleeper
Jestem ciężkim snem
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I'm a heavy sleeper
chcę się zdrzemnąć
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I want to take a nap
obudzić się
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to wake up
wrócić do spania
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get (back) to sleep
wziąć tabletkę na sen
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take a sleeping pill
śnić, marzyć
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Have a dream
Masz koszmar
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Have a nightmare
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get to sleep

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