sierpień 2018 present perfect

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we have been here for a week
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jesteśmy tu od tygodnia
we have been here
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jesteśmy tu(present perfect)
I haven't got a clue how to do this
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Nie mam pojęcia, jak to zrobić
I haven't eaten anything since breakfast.
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Nie jadłem od śniadania.(present perfect)
Have you seen my latest film?
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Widziałeś mój ostatni film?(present perfect)
all the snow has disappeared
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cały śnieg zniknął(present perfect)
i have been to itally many times
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Byłem już wiele razy we włoszech (present perfect)
she hasen't gone out yet
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ona jeszcze nie wyszła(present perfect)
Have you drunk all the juice
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Wypiłeś cały sok(present perfect)

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