Section B: dans l’avion

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les membres de l’équipage
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the crew members (of the flight)
l’hôtesse de l’air
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the stewardess
le pilote
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le co-pilote
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the co-pilot
le steward
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the steward
la cabine de pilotage
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the cockpit
première classe
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first class
classe d’affaires
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business class
la classe économique
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economy class
les sièges (dans un avion ou un train)
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the seats (on a plane or train)
la ceinture de sécurité
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seat belt
le dossier du siège
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the back of the seat
redresser le dossier
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to recline one’s seat on a plane
la soutche à bagages
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the luggage compartment
le gilet de sauvetage
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life jacket
le masque à oxygen
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the oxygen mask
le hublot
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porthole (window of plane)
les portes des secours
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emergency doors
amorcer la descente
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leaving the plabe in case of an emergency
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to initiate (v.)
prendre/gagner l’altitude
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gain altitude
la vente de produits hors taxes
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the sale of tax-free products
la vente
commencer à apprendre
the sale
commencer à apprendre
to sell (v)

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