School equipment in French

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school equipment
commencer à apprendre
fournitures scolaires (
commencer à apprendre
gomme (f.)
commencer à apprendre
livre (m.)
commencer à apprendre
règle (f.)
commencer à apprendre
crayon (m.)
commencer à apprendre
stylo (m.)
school bag
commencer à apprendre
cartable (m.)
commencer à apprendre
manuel scolaire (m.)
commencer à apprendre
agrafeuse (f.)
commencer à apprendre
colle (f.)
commencer à apprendre
atlas (m.)
commencer à apprendre
crayons de couleur (

School equipment in French

Study the basics of French and start with School equipment! Do you know the spelling of School equipment in French too? Find the answer in our lesson School equipment in French and learn many other wordsin French language! You will also have an opportunity to learn the correct French pronunciation with audio recordings of the French words! The magic of language learning is that you never know when you are going to need this word or phrase that you have at the tip of your tongue! Get to know School equipment in French and never forget it again nor let it stay at the tip of your tongue!

Why should I learn French?

Studying French will give you access to multiple books, movies or even memes, created in French. Speaking French language will allow you to travel more freely, meet new people and have a new entry in your CV! Or simply use this new knowledge to impress your friends by speaking in French! If the reasons above are not enough for you to start learning French language, think of it as a challenge. Whenever you study a foreign language, you activate the area in your brain responsible for remembering.

How to learn French quickly

VocApp's flashcards make everything simple: you see a picture of the word, together with a French translation, and remember it! Then, you hear the French pronunciation of the word and voilà your French vocabulary starts expanding. Just 5 minutes a day is enough to remember School equipment in French for good!

Learn French fast and efficiently!

You hated taking French classes? Your French professor wasn't structured enough? Try flashcards with VocApp and study French without a professor! Our study materials will make everything simple and enjoyable!

Other lessons in French for you

Do not forget to take a look to other courses in French and try our many other flashcards about French too. You should get started with School equipment in French right away!

Learn common French on the go and achieve systematic learning.

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