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the process of selecting units from the population of interest
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the group you want to generalise to and the group you sample from in a study
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the process of making an inference that the results observed in a sample would hold in the population of interest
theoretical population
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a group which, ideally, you would like to sample from and generalise to
accessible population
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a group that reflects the theoretical population of interest and that you can get access to when sampling
sampling frame
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the list from which you draw your sample
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the actual units you select to participate in your study
simple random sampling
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a method of sampling that involves drawing a sample from a population so that every possible sample has an equal probability of being selected
stratified random sampling
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a method of sampling that involves dividing your population into homogeneous subgroups and then taking a simple random sample in each subgroup
systematic random sampling
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a sampling method where you determine randomly where you want to start selecting in the sampling frame and then follow a rule to select every x the element in the sampling frame list
cluster (area) random sampling
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a sampling method that involves dividing the population into groups called clusters, randomly selecting clusters, and then sampling each element in the selected clusters
multistage sampling
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the combining of several sampling techniques
sampling distribution
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the theoretical distribution of an infinite number of samples of the population of interest in your study
normal curve
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a common type of distribution where the values of a variable have a bell-shaped histogram or frequency distribution
census study
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doesn’t pick a sample, tries to study the whole population
respondent-driven sampling
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A nonprobability sampling method that combines chain-referral or snowball sampling, with a statistical weighting system that helps com pensate for the fact that the sample was not drawn randomly
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a specific measurement value that a sampling unit supplies
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a value that is estimated from data
population parameter
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the mean or average you would obtain if you were able to sample the entire population
standard deviation
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an indicator of the variability of a set of scores in a sample around the mean of that sample
standard error
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the spread of the averages around the average of averages in a sampling distribution
sampling error
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error in measurement associated with sampling

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