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być dość rozproszonym
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be pretty spaced out
the departments are pretty spaced out, but it’ll all fill in one day
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there are planning an expansion
zamiennik czegoś
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replacement for sth
klatka schodowa
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just past the bend
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weaponizing office equipment on your first day
okładać pięściami
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i want to pummel Mark myself, but i am his employer
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the good news is, there’s obly one oart left of your orientation which Mark can’t possibly derail
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for the incompetence or disobedience
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hell is just a product of a morbid human imagination
nie wiem co to znaczy
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i don’t know what that means
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jesli ludzie moga cos sobie wyobrazic to zwykle moga to stworzyc
whatever humans can imagine, they can usually create
robić różnicę
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make a difference
w przybliżeniu
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i’m making this video roughly two hours before it will be shown to me
z mojej własnej woli
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on my free accord
i have, on my free accord, elected to undergo the procedure colloquially known as a severance
poddać się zabiegowi
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to undergo the procedure
i have elected to undergo the procedure colloquially known as a severance
odcięcie, rozdzielenie
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i have elected to undergo the procedure colloquially known as a severance
wyraziłem zgodę na
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i gave consent for
podzielony chirurgicznie
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surgically split
i give consent for my perceptual chronologies to be surgically split, separating my memories between my work life and my personal life
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i acknowledge, henceforth, my access to my memories will be spatially dictated
dyktowany przestrzennie
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spatially dictated
my access to my memories will be spatially dictated
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nie bede pamietac co dzialo sie na zewnatrz, przebywajac na poziomie rozdzielenia w Lumpn
i will be unable to access outside recollections whilst on Lumon’s severed basement floor
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ani zachowywac po wyjsciu wspomnien z pracy
nor retain work memories upon my ascent
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i an aware of this alteration
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it os comprehensive and irreversible
ok, to już koniec
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ok, that’s a wrap
wychodzimy na raty
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they stagger our exits
musiało mi wypaść z głowy
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must have slipped my mind
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what a lof of people overlook is that lifr os not a food
wyrzeźbione na piersiowce
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carved on flask
mark and my dad used to have “whiskey is life” carved on a flask
to był nisko wiszący owoc, tu: slaby zart
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it was low-hanging friut
mam na myśli, że chciałbym móc to zrobić
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i mean, i wish i could do that
ciągle bym myślał o tej drugiej osobie
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i’d just always be thinking about the other one
po prostu nie rozumiem tego elementu trzewnego
elementu cielesnego
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i just don’t grasp the visceral element
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one’s memories are bifurcated
Czy dobrze zrozumiałem?
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did i get it rigt?
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kiedy jesteś w pracy, nie masz dostępu do zewnętrznych wspomnień
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when you’re at work, you cant access outside memories
być w pułapce
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be trapped
in effect, that version of you is trapped there
jestem ciekawy
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i’m curious
stoję za tobą
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i stand behind you
bez zastrzeżeń
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without reservations
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czyzbys poczul sie zrozumiany przez jakiegos intruza?
did the prowler invading my hone make you feel seen?
osoba ktora zabladzila
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niedaleko jest bar. pewnie zabladzil
destylarnia, gorzelnia
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you still smell like a distillery
Musiałem po prostu zagłuszyć to wspomnienie
albo zapić xd
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i just had to drown out this memory
jestem na kolacji
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im out at dinner
rozłącz się. szybko
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hang up. quickly
to nie jest prawdopodobne
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thats not plausible
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bypassing the implant wasnt easy
złożenie skargi
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lodging a complaint
instead of lodging a complaint...
oboje go znamy
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we both know him
nic tam na dole nie jest tym, co mówią
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nothing down there is what they say
jeśli coś mi się stanie, to wiem, że rzeczy, które muszę znać, muszą pozostać znane
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if something happens to me, the things i know need to stay known
dam im dziś wieczorem wystarczająco dużo czasu
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i will give them an ample time tonight

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