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to do or say something that people feel is familiar or true trafić do odbiorcy, odnaleźć wspólny punkt commencer à apprendre
strike/ touch a chord with somebody Many of the things she says will strike a chord with other young women.
not involving anything or anyone else commencer à apprendre
Scholarships are given solely on the basis of financial need.
to make something using a special skill, especially with your hands commencer à apprendre
Each doll is crafted individually by specialists.
to stop yourself from showing your feelings commencer à apprendre
Harry could scarcely suppress a smile.
(informal) good enough for a particular standard commencer à apprendre
Some of this work isn’t up to scratch.
commencer à apprendre
to make something become less sharp or clear spłowieć, stępić, uśmierzyć commencer à apprendre
He drank some alcohol to dull the pain.
work „like that” involves making new discoveries, using new methods etc commencer à apprendre
to make something go away, especially a belief, idea, or feeling commencer à apprendre
We hope to dispel the belief that scientists work in isolation in windowless rooms.
to move, drive, or push something forward napędzać, popychać do przodu commencer à apprendre
a boat propelled by a small motor
a stucture in a heart that opens and closes to control the flow of blood commencer à apprendre
It was a weak heart valve that caused her death.
to show that an idea or belief is false demaskować (np. oszustwo), obalać (np. teorię, mit) commencer à apprendre
His claims were later debunked by fellow academics.
knowledge or information about a subject, for example nature or magic, that is not written down but is passed from person to person commencer à apprendre
According to local lore, a ghost still haunts the castle.
(formal) to get an illness commencer à apprendre
Two-thirds of the adult population there have contracted AIDS.
a belief based on old ideas that are now considered to be untrue commencer à apprendre
That's only an old wives' tale.
a situation where no more progress is possible commencer à apprendre
The negotiations have reached a dead end.
working in the way you intended commencer à apprendre
an equally efficacious method of treatment
a simple type of plant that has no leaves or flowers and that grows on plants or other surfaces. mushrooms and mould are both fungi commencer à apprendre
The next day the fungus had dropped off and there were less white spots.
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The doctor put drops in my eyes to dilate my pupils.
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to make something happen very quickly, especially a series of events commencer à apprendre
Certain forms of mental illness can be triggered by food allergies.
w głównej mierze, w dużym stopniu commencer à apprendre
The state of Nevada is largely desert.
the conditions or arrangements on which something is based commencer à apprendre
place sth on a (new) footing They wanted to put their company on a solid footing.
to influence someone so that they change their opinion commencer à apprendre
Don’t allow yourself to be swayed by his promises.
commencer à apprendre
How did people communicate in the days before email?
to become more and more successful commencer à apprendre
go from strenght to strenght For several years, the business went from strength to strength.
strong and not easily damaged by being pulled, pressed etc commencer à apprendre
Any chemical treatment will leave hair less resilient than before.
to support the truth of something commencer à apprendre
bear someone/something out If you tell them what happened I will bear you out
to think that something is caused by something else commencer à apprendre
I was having difficulty reading, which I put down to the poor light.
(formal) used to emphasize that something is important commencer à apprendre
My mother was upset about his appearance here, not least because she felt it was invading her privacy.
to be very useful and bring a lot of advantages, especially later in the future commencer à apprendre
Good eating habits will pay dividends later on in life.
to argue that something is the best thing to do, giving your reasons dowodzić słuszności (czegoś) commencer à apprendre
make a case for something We will only publish a new edition if you can make a convincing case for it.
continuing, or continuing to develop commencer à apprendre
used to emphasize that something is not as good as another thing commencer à apprendre
Vitamin pills are no substitute for a healthy diet.
becoming smaller, weaker, or less important maleć, zmniejszać się (np. o popularności, siłach) commencer à apprendre
By the fifth century, the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane.
(formal) a strong opinion that someone expresses commencer à apprendre
Her main contention is that doctors should do more to encourage healthy eating.
not correct about something, by a large amount commencer à apprendre
The opinion polls were hopelessly wide of the mark.
affecting everyone or everything in a situation or organization commencer à apprendre
an across-the-board pay increase
extremely unlikely to be true or to happen commencer à apprendre
All this may sound a bit far-fetched, but companies are already developing ‘intelligent’ homes.
(formal) to make it easier for a process or activity to happen commencer à apprendre
Computers can be used to facilitate language learning.
to or in a foreign country that is across the sea commencer à apprendre
Chris is going to work overseas.
to give support to an opinion, idea, or feeling, and make it stronger popierać (kogoś poglądy), wspierać (przekonania), umacniać (uczucia, więzi) commencer à apprendre
The film reinforces the idea that women should be pretty and dumb.
to talk about something in a way that makes it seem more important, serious etc than it really is commencer à apprendre
To say that all motorists speed in residential areas is overstating the case.
a fact “like that” must be accepted because it is definitely true bezdyskusyjny, niewątpliwy commencer à apprendre
The evidence was indisputable.
expressing strong opinions publicly, especially about things that you disagree with commencer à apprendre
Foley has been particularly vocal in his criticism of the government.
liking or disliking particular things, especially food, for no reason commencer à apprendre
Jackie’s a terribly faddy eater.
your normal job which you earn most of your money from doing, especially as opposed to another interest commencer à apprendre
I’d love to be a professional writer, but I’m not giving up my day job just yet.
having eyes that are slightly wet with tears commencer à apprendre
Not half an hour back I had been dewy-eyed with nostalgia for him.
(to become a lawyer/barrister) an organization consisting of lawyers zostać powołanym do adwokatury commencer à apprendre
to discuss sth with other people, so that everyone can express their opinions and decide on something commencer à apprendre
attracting a lot of public attention, usually deliberately commencer à apprendre
a high-profile public figure
(formal) a particular type of belief, especially a political or religious one przekonanie (no. polityczne) commencer à apprendre
We need people with talent, whatever their political persuasions.
freedom to show or express your feelings commencer à apprendre
Playing an instrument can be a form of emotional release.
to discuss a difficult problem together commencer à apprendre
The next morning, we all put our heads together to decide what should be done.
to try to persuade someone to do something such as buy something from you, vote for you, or work for you – used in news reports commencer à apprendre
the Party’s efforts to woo working class voters
(formal) to take or collect something, especially information or support commencer à apprendre
The party garnered 70 percent of the vote.
something or someone that makes it difficult for you to do something przeszkoda, utrudnienie, bariera commencer à apprendre
The biggest hindrance to economic reform has been the lack of access to U.S. markets.
the right to stay permanently in a teaching job stały etat wykładowcy lub nauczyciela commencer à apprendre
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to acquire academic tenure.
to move gently backwards and forwards or from side to side, or to make something do this commencer à apprendre
The waves rocked the boat from side to side.
to cause problems for other members of a group by criticizing something or trying to change the way something is done commencer à apprendre
He kept his feelings to himself, not wanting to rock the boat.
foods or plantshave that had their genetic structure changed so that they are not affected by particular diseases or harmful insects commencer à apprendre
to talk about something in a very interested or excited way zarażać entuzjazmem, zachwycać się commencer à apprendre
Rick was there, enthusing about life in Australia.
to tell people your opinions or feelings about a particular subject commencer à apprendre
She angrily voiced her objections.
the subjects that are taught by a school, college etc, or the things that are studied in a particular subject commencer à apprendre
Languages are an essential part of the school curriculum.
used to say that something has many good qualities commencer à apprendre
have much to recommend it
(formal) to eagerly accept a new idea, opinion, religion etc commencer à apprendre
We hope these regions will embrace democratic reforms.
large amount or mass of something, especially something that has been collected commencer à apprendre
There is a growing body of evidence that charges are too high.
to be a good thing to do, or to be a lucky thing to happen or be done dobrze się składa, że/ na szczęście commencer à apprendre
It's just as well you're not here - you wouldn't like the noise.
a plan that states exactly what students at a school or college should learn in a particular subject commencer à apprendre
This is particularly true of the mathematics syllabus.
achieving the opposite result to the one that you want przynoszący efekt przeciwny do zamierzonego commencer à apprendre
Sending young offenders to prison can be counterproductive.
to use something or depend on someone’s help when dealing with a difficult situation, especially after other methods have failed commencer à apprendre
She has no relatives to fall back on.
to make something seem less valuable or less deserving of admiration than it really is commencer à apprendre
All that make-up she wears actually detracts from her beauty, I think.
experience etc that has been learned or gained by doing something yourself or by talking to someone yourself commencer à apprendre
journalists with first-hand experience of working in war zones
to be clear proof of something commencer à apprendre
The reports are testimony to the many hours of research completed by this committee.
the ability to understand and realize what people or situations are really like commencer à apprendre
to cause a particular result or situation przyczynić się (do czegoś), powodować (coś) commencer à apprendre
Both teams are on good form, which should make for a great game.