reading unit 6

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question English réponse English
at a loose end
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to have nothing to do
at a stretch
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only with difficulty or in extreme circumstances
at first glance
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when you first look at something
at sixes and sevens
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disoganised and confused
by all accounts
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according to what a lot of people say
by default
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if something happens by default it happens only because something else does not happen
by no means
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not at all
in action
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doing a particular job, activity, or sport
in conjunction with
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working, happening, or being used with someone or something else
in my element
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to be in a situation that enjoy because you are good at it
in no time
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very soon or very quickly
in turn
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as result of something
in vain
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without success
at breakneck speed
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carelessly fast and dangerous
beyond recovery
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past a point that sojmething or someone can get better
go out on a limb
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to do something risky or extreme which puts you in a position of weakness
have a gut feeling
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to have a feeling that you sure is right although you cannot give a reason for it
have a mental block
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if you have a mental block about something, you cannot understand it or do it because something in your mind prevents you
in its entirety
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including every part
yours truly
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used humorously to mean yourself
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consisting of short stories based on someone’s personal experience
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a chronic problem is one that continues for a long time and cannot easily be solved
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certain or definite
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continuing to happen or exist without stopping
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a conventional method product, practice etc. has been used for a long time and is considered the usual type
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behaving in a way that shows you expect to fail
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spoiled by having mistakes, weaknesses, or by being damaged
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involving a lot of violance and blood
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difficult or impossible to reach
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extremely useful
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something that is laughable is impossible to believe or to be serious about, because it is so bad or silly
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if you feel nostalgic about a time in the past, you feel happy when you remember it and in some ways you wish that things had not charged
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relating to the production of drugs and medicines
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causing mild anger, annoying
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someone who is sighted can see and is not blind
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easily shocked or upset or easily made to feel sick by seeing unpleasant things
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standing still instead of moving
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if something is tactile it has a surface that is pleasant or attractive to touch
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definitely true or certain
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making you look silly and lose people’s respect, especially because of not being controlled, serious, or calm
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difficult to control or deal with
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the desire to know about something
dependance on
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the fact of needing someone or something in order to exist, be successful, healthy etc
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a brightly coloured insect with a long thin body and transparent wings which liveds near water
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a long period of dry weather when thereb is not enough water for plants and animals to live
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the ability bto understand other people’s feelings and problems
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a structure made by boss which consists of many six-sided cells in which honey is stored
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a feeling you have that something is true or that something will happen, even if you have no information or proof
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the way the sound of your voice goes up and down when you are speaking
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an important new plan or process to achieve an aim or solve a problem
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words that are written or cut in something
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someone who supports something or persuades people to do something
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a long search for something that is difficult to find
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when people or groups try to show that they are better than each other
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the level at which something starts to happen or have an effect
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a flat square piece of baked clay or other material, used for covering walls, floors etc
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a solid substance made of fat or oil and used to make candles, polish etc
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to exist in very large numbers
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to change an opinion or promise that you so that it is not as strong as it was earlier
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to make a book, list etc using different pieces of information
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to be better or more succesful then someone else at doing something
promote understanding
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to raise awareness or strengthen someone’s understanding
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to become unsteady and then fall over or to make something do this
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to go around something
cater for
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to provide a particular group0 of people with the things they want or need
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if something is decomissioned it is taken out of use
drive the length of
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to travel by car from the beginning to the end of something
fell into disrepair
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buildings, roads etc that fell into disrepair degrade into an unusable condition because they have not been maintained
go off track
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to leave the planned route
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small stones used to make a surface for paths, roads etc
head for
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to go or travel towards a particular place especially in a deliberate way
make a diversion
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to stray from a planned route
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things that you keep or collect because they are connected with a famous person, event or time
spring up
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to suddenly appear or start to exist
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an area of land or water especially one that is long and narrow
trading poet
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a small place, especially in the past, far from other places in which people live, where goods can be bought and sold or exchanged
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the distance or measurement around the outside of a circle or any round shape
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a straight line from one side of a circle to the other side, passing through the centre of the circle or the length of this line
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a flat shape with six sides
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very small
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the distance from the centre to the edge of a circle or a line drawn from the centre to the edge
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a shape with four equal straight sides especially one that is not a square
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an object or design that is symmetrical has two halves that are exactly the same shape and size
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related to technology
squeeze out
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to force out of a problem, place
short-sighted (approach)
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not considering the possible effects in the future of something that seems good now
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easy to notice
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an idea, fact or decision that is debatable may be right but it could easily be wrong
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actions, reactions, decisions etc that are justifiable are acceptable because they are done for good reasons
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something that is edible can be eaten
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producing a profit or a useful result
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a defensible opinion, idea, or action seems reasonable, and you can easily support it
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used for suggesting something different
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something that you think is true although you have no definite proof
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helpful or useful
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the ability to continue doinf something difficult or painful
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a possible future effect or result of an action, k event, decision
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when something is taken away or someone gets rid of it
mistaken belief
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a misconception, misunderstanding
get hooked on
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if you are hooked on something you like it a lot and want to continue doing it
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to promise the same seat in a theatre, on a plane etc to more than one person by mistake
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something that is intriguing is very interesting because it is strange, mysterious or unexpected
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a small job that you have to do regularly, especially work that you do to keep a house clean
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to gradually disappear
is an uproar
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with a lot of noise or angry protest about something
on second thoughts
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used to say that you have changed your mind about something
at a standstill
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in a situation in which all movement or activity has stopped
on impulse
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if you do something on impulse you suddenly decide to do it without planning it
out of stock
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unavaiable for immediate sale in a shop
to someone’s credit
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used for saying that someone deserves praise
on good terms
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if two people are on good terms they are friendly with each other
in line with
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according to or following something such as a rule or principle

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