QRM 1,2,3,4

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question réponse
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All knowledge originates in experiences and is derived through senses Understand subjectively meaningful experiences
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Social world can be studied in terms of invariant laws Only observable phenomena can be counted as knowledge Produce law-like propositions
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Knowledge about the world can be acquired in other ways than direct observation Perceptions relate to human perceptions as well Stress both interpretation and observation
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Philosophy that tries to categorise all existing things
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Distinction between the way the world actually is and the meaning / interpretation people assign to it
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Material features shape the real world. Not values/beliefs/experiences
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Reality is only knowable through the human mind and socially constructed meanings
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Ways of learning/knowing about the social world
Empathic neutrality
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Research cannot be value free so researchers should make assumptions transparent
Pragmatic view
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An observation is true if it leads to actions that produce the desired or predicted results
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Looking for patterns and association derived from observations
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Propositions or hypotheses are reached theoretically through a logically derived process (using evidence)
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Qual and quan should not be seen as competing and contradictory But as complementary strategies for different types of RQs
Theoretical research
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Aim of testing, generating, or enhancing thinking within a particular discipline
Applied research
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Using acquired knowledge to contribute directly to the understanding / resolution of a contemporary issue
Contextual research
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What exists, phenomena, interest
Explanatory research
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Why it exists, linkages among actors, events
Evaluative research
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The effectiveness of what exists (actual, not intended), hypothesis, propsition, inquiry
Generative research
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Aiding the development of theories/strategies/actions
Summative evaluation
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Impact of intervention or policy in terms of effectiveness and the different outcomes that have resulted
Naturally occurring data
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Developed to allow investigation of phenomena in their natural settings
Participant observation
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Join study population to record actions
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Record actions without becoming a member
Documentary analysis
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Study of existing docs
Discourse analysis
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Construction of texts and verbal accounts to explore systems of social meaning
Conversation analysis
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Detailed examination of talk in interaction to determine how conversation is constructed and enacted
Generated data
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Involves construction and requires re-processing and re-telling of attitudes, beliefs, behaviour
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Mixing quan and qual methods. Not focus on outputs, but to yield different types of intelligence about the subject
Preceding statistical research
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Performing qual before quan When subject is complex (form hypotheses)
Alongside statistical research
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Perform qual and quan simultaneously Study different phenomena in the same field of interest
As a follow-up to statistical research
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Perform qual after quan When quan needs further detail, explanation or indepth info
Research design
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1. Development of RQs 2. design, settings population 3. time, data collection 4. Choice of data collection 5. Negotiation of research relationships
Panel studies
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People are interviewed more than once
Repeat cross-sectional studies
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Subsequent samples of new participants are interviewed
Probability samples
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Elements in population are chosen at random
Non-probability samples
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Units are deliberately selected. Sample is not intended to be statistically representative
Purposive sampling
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Sample units are chosen because they have particular features which will enable detailed exploration and understanding of the subject
Homogenous sampling
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Give a detailed picture of a particular phenomenon
Heterogeneous sampling
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Include phenomena which vary widely from each other to identify the central themes that cut across the variety of cases
Deviant sampling
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Cases are unusual or special  enlightening
Intensity sampling
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Extreme cases of specific phenomena of interest
Typical case sampling
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Cases which characterise positions that are normal or average are selected to provide detailed profiling
Stratified purposive sampling
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Select groups that display variation so that subgroups can be compared
Critical case sampling
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Cases demonstrate a phenomenon or dramatic position
Theoretical sampling
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Sample units are chosen on the basis of their potential contribution to the development and testing of theoretical constructs
Data saturation
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No new data is obtained through expanding the sample
Opportunistic sampling
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Take advantage of unforeseen opportunities
Convenience sampling
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Samples chosen according to ease of access
Opt-In approach
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Gives individuals the opportunity to indicate that they don’t want their details to be passed on to the research team

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