Pytania podstawowe?

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question réponse
Ile to kosztuje?
ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?
how much is it?
Jak się czujesz?
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How are you feel?
Jak długo to zajmuje?
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How long does it take?
Jak często tam chodzisz?
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How often do you go there?
Jaka jest pogoda jutro?
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What's the weather like tomorrow?
co robisz?
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what are you doing?
Która jest godzina?
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What time is it?
Co lubisz robić?
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What do you like doing?
Jaki jest twój ulubiony kolor?
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What is your favorite color?
co to znaczy?
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what does it mean?
Co to jest?
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What is it?
O czym mówisz?
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What are you talking about?
Co powiedziałeś?
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What did you say?
Gdzie idziesz?
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Where are you going?
Gdzie jest najbliższy sklep spozywczy?
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Where is the nearest grocery store?
Gdzie to kupiłaś?
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Where did you buy it?
Gdzie się spotkamy?
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Where are we meeting?
Kiedy przyjdziesz?
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When will you come?
Kiedy możemy się spotkać?
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When can we meet?
Dlaczego to jest takie drogie?
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Why is it so expensive?
Dlaczego jesteś smutny?
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Why are you sad?
Dlaczego wyszedłeś?
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Why did you leave?
Dlaczego to zrobiłeś?
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Why did you do that?
Który kolor wolisz?
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Which color do you prefer?
Którą ulicą powinnam iść?
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Which street should I go?
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Który film chcesz obejrzec?
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Which movie do you want to watch?
Czyje to jest?
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Whose is this?
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?
Ile mam czasu?
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How much time I have?
Ile masz pieniędzy?
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How much money do you have?
Czy to wystarczy?
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Is that enough?
Ile, niepoliczalne
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How much?
Ile, policzalne
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How many,?
Ile książek przycztałeś?
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How many books did you read?
Ile razy tu byłeś?
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How many times were you here?
Ile krajów odwiedziłeś?
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How many countries you visited?
Ile godzin pracujesz?
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How many hours do you work?
Ile dni tu zostaniesz?
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How many days will you stay here?
Komu ufasz i wierzysz?
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Who do you trust and believe?
Jak daleko?
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How far?
Jak daleko jest plaża?
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How far is the beach?
Jak długo tu jesteś?
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How long are you here?
Jak długo to zajmuje?
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How long does it take?
Jak długo zostaniesz?
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How long will you stay?
Jak głeboki jest basen?
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How deep is the pool?
Ty wyglądasz jak milion dolarów.
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Ty wyglądasz jak milion dolarów. Anglais
You look like a million dollars.

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